{itome x akemi}

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"We'll meet you there." Toono said while walking off with the rest of the club.

"Come on akemi, lets get changed and meet them outside." Itome said after closing the door.

*3rd person*                                                                                                                                                                              Sunce they both  just woke up, both boys got changed into comfortable clothes like joggers, hoodies, shorts, t-shirts ect.

Itome was looking for his hairbrush while akemi was brushing his teeth. itome felt a warm hug coming from behind him. 

"kei?" Itome said curiously as he looked behind.

"Ito, im to tired to walk. Could you maybe carry me!?~" Akemi replied giving itome a pleasing face.

"fineeee. Come on then. We don't want to be late." 

Akemi hopped onto his back snuggling up to the hood of his hoodie as closing his eyes as itome walked.

"Ey, Itome over here!" Tamura shouted from across the field. 

"Whats wrong with Akemi?" Kashima asked looking at the tired person on itomes back.

"I think hes just a bit tired so i let him sleep on my back, anyways what do you guys want to do ts really hot so we can do really anything." Itome added

"Well, there is a river that is quite deep that we could all jump into?~" Tamura told everyone looking ambitious/

"Who do you think i am, i piece  of dirt on the bottom on your shoe. There is no way im jumping into a dirty and disgusting river like that, i could even catch a cold!" Shikatani snapped.

"Oh come on shikatani, no need to be a party wrecker...Everyone else agrees so we are doing it. right guys?" Akemi yawns and interrupts shikatani.

"Oh akemi, you awake?!" Toono said surprised

"Well i was but itomes shoulder is comfy so im going to stay he-. That isn't the point lets just go to the river everyone!" Akemi said while leaning and itomes shoulder.


Everyone were here! Be careful where you step its very rocky.." Kashima declared.

"Got it!" Eveyone replied with.

"right, who should jump in first. Well i was thinking Itome since we need to check the height of the water... and there is no way im going into the filthy water first. Disgusting!!" Shikatani said while scrunching his nose looking at the water.

"Good good idea ShIkaaA!!" Yuri added in excitement.

"Well i won't have to go first if i do this~!" Itome said while putting his hand out.

"Dont.You.Dar-" Shikatani was cut off with a small push. "TO LATE!!" Itome shouted

"YOU BASTAR-! OW SHIT" shikatani was cut off by a slap to the face by the water


Hi everyone i hope you enjoyed this chapter, but im going to end the chapter here and make another one tomorrow since im tired, byee~~!

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