~Itomes x akemi~

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*3rd person*                                                                                                                                                                            It was a Saturday morning, Akemi and Itome were still asleep. They were positioned with akemi still laying on top of itome and itome hugging him. They both woke up to a familiar voice banging on the door..

"AKEMI, ITOME OPEN UP! TAMURA IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" Toono said frightened with another familiar voice replying.

"SHUT UP VIRGIN!" Tamura replied with slapping toono hard in the face.

"Oh yeah and the rest of the club is here as well, we want to do something! WERE BOAR-" Tamura said while being interrupted when Itome opens the door quickly. He flinched as the door swung open. 

"Oh. Ill go and get akemi then.." Itome said looking exhausted. 

"You look tired.. Both of you do? You guys alright? What time did you stay up to, Itome-senpai? Toono said with a concerned voice.

"Hey! That's none of your business what we did. And the reason we look tired is, because I don't fucking know.. MAYBE YOU WOKE US UP!!!" Akemi said looking toono directly into his eyes.

"Oh.. Sorry. " Tonno said while Itome was calming akemi down.

"Sorry Toono, just wait meet us outside while we get ready." Itome said while slowly closing the door.

"Ah, yes sorry itome!" Kashima replied with smiling as the door shut.

*with akemi and itome*

"God, why did they have to wake us up! I was still sleeping~" Akemi said with an annoyed voice.

Itome kissed his forehead and replied with "I know, Kei-chan. Lets just get changed and meet them outside."

"Ok ito~" Akemi replied with.

Both of them got changed and headed outside.

(Creators note)                                                                                                                                                                       hey guys sorry this was so short but right now I'm in a really bad mood and don't feel like writing anything. I wont get to deep into it but all I can say is my brother got robbed yesterday and is in hospital. He is only 13 and I am heartbroken. I'm sad to say this but ill be taking a day break I'm sorry if that's to long. Ill try to lower it to 12 hours  or something like that. Again I'm sorry and stay safe <3

Ill try to come back as soon as I can, I'm just really anxious and depressed at this point but I promise ill be back in 24 or under hours </3 Please be safe. I'm not saying here we live or anything since he was in town but please be safe if your in the UK/England Nottingham, since this is where it happened. The 2 men where armed with knives and messed up shit like that, however got arrested which is good.

Stay safe everyone please and have a good night/day <3

my love for you~ (itome  x akemi)Where stories live. Discover now