river pt.2

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hey everyone! sorry for the break I've been busy doing school work, ect. Ill try to make this chapter longer! ENJOYYYY!!

" YOU BASTARDS!! IM SOAKED AND DIRTY. THIS IS THE WORST ,UGH!!" Shikatani shouted in an extremely angry anrgry voice. "IM NOT THE ONLY ONE GETTING HERE! SOMEOME ELSE NEEDS TO ASWELL OR IM COMING UP THERE TO PUSH THEM." Shikatani then says looking all of the club members in the eye.

"If you say so~!" Akemi says while stepping closer to itome who is looking down below at some ducks.

*Push*"AKEMI WHAT ARE YOU DOI-" itome says while trying to move away. *SPLASH^ "...shit." itome says after falling down into the water. "BAHAHAHAHAH! SEE HOW IT FEELS, ITOME?" shikatani then says,

"You idiots! I can't believe you both fell in with your clothes and trainers (sneakers if your American, im british)!!!" Tamura blurted out. As he was saying that itome whispered something in shikatanis ear while looking at all of them.

"OH no, what are they planning to do! Im scared now." Toono said.

"I agree, toono..." Kashima replied with.

"Hey guys! All hold hand and close your eyes. We have a suprise!!~" Shikatani shouted out with a smirk on his face.

"HELL NO, I DONT TRUST YOU BASTARDS!!" Tamura screamed back at them while grapping onto the railing of the bridge leading to the river.

"Ill pay you." itome says in a soft but exiting voice. "How much are we talking about, itome?" Tamura says curiously. Considering itome is very rich they were looking for about £100 each

"100-200 each." Itome snaps back.


"i mean it is alot of money guys...~ im doing it." Akemi says after tamura and grabs his hand. Slowley but surely they all grab onto eachothers hands looking hesitant.

Akemi feels a warm hand touch his on the end but doesnt dare to open his eyes because of the bet he made. He knew it was itome and next to him was.

Shikatani looked at itome and nodded smirking cheekily. They both ran leading everyone else into it.

"AAAH-" everyone screams as they leave the bridge plummeting into the water below.

"FUCK YOU-" "AT LEAST WE GOT MONEY" Yaguchi cuts tamura off with.

Akemi slowly walks over to itome and leans on his shoulder shivering. Itome couldn't ignore it and turns around to give his lover a hug. "Kei, are you ok?" Itome whispers as everyone else is arguing about to money. Akemi nods his head and kisses his tall boyfriend on the cheek.


Ok. i can't lie. it was so fucking cold but i was hugging itome so it was all fine. And another thing i cant lie about.... Itome looks really hot with wet hair- OK I SAID I COULDN'T LIE-! 

After that we walked everyone home and said goodbye then walked to itomes dorm with me on his back. I was only pretending to be asleep so i could fall asleep with his again. i  was playing with his hair softly as he opened the door to his room. A blast of refreshing smells blasted in my face as he walked in and plopped me on the bed and went to go and get fresh clothes. Thats when i blacked out and fell asleep.

*itomes pov*

I walked ver to my dresser where i kept a draw of some akemis clothes that he left here. of course i wash them but i also gave him one of my graphic shirts to wear to be comfortable as well as pj bottoms. 

After i got him changed, i then got changed into pj bottoms and a shirt. However then i saw kei shivering so gave him one of my hoodies. I love him so much..

*3rd perosn*

Itome carefully placed his cute boyfriend into his arms and kissed him on the cheeks and forehead while laying down in a comfortable position.

The night ended with lots of cuddling and kisses (I WISH :(((()

*creators note*

hey guys I'm going to end it here. comment some ideas to do please since im running out. I would really appreciate it!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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