~Itome x akemi~

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*ITOMES POV*                                                                                                                                                                             if I'm honest, i was nervous. I hadn't seen any of them in ages. Let alone it was nearly the end of the month... I need to stop stressing itome, everything's going to be okay. I hope..                             I don't want to be touched by anyone that wasn't akemi. He's the only reason your here right now so just walk in idiot!

*AKEMI'S POV*                                                                                                                                                                         Is itome ok? Should I ask him? No. I will just ask him after the club, he'll be okay. He's my boyfriend, would tell me if anything's on his mind. I hope..

*3rd person*                                                                                                                                                                           Itome followed akemi when he walked.  Shikatani looks kinda happy to see itome again. Tamura and Yuri just smiled and carried on 'talking'  to eachother. Toono and kashima just looked at him, itome didn't feel right. He didn't like people looking at him for a long time.                                      "Ok, itomes back now!~ Should we just carry in from where we were yesterday, or do something different today?" Akemi said happily. "Eh. i think we should move on and do something new." Tamura said in a exaggerated voice.

"Alright them you can talk among yourselves while you think of what we can do today. I'll tell itome what we've done today so he can catch up with us!~" Akemi replied. As everyone talked together akemi looked at itome with a concerned face and whispered something into his ear. However itome just answered with a simple not and snuggled up to him. 

"Akemiiii! we've decided what we want to do!" shikatani said looking exited.                                          "Oh god, im scared." Toono said while looking at Kashima and putting his hand over his mouth.   

*AFTER THE CLUB*                                                                                                                                                              "ok everyone, you can all go!" Akemi said joyfully as usual. As everyone left akemi stopped itome by grabbing his hand gently, giving him puppy dog eyes to stay. "Itome, can I stay at your place tonight? Pleeeeeease?~~" Akemi said as hugging itome's arm. "Of course, kei-chan." Itome replied with while leading Akmei out of the door.                                                                                              

"Where here, kei-chan" Itomes said as looking for the keys in his pocket. As he was opening his door akemi's eyes were closing slowly, as he was really tired. itome finally unlocks the door and carriees Akemi onto his bed. "Can you come over here, itoooo~?" Akemi says while gesturing his hand to Itome.

*18+ PART GUYS YOU WERE WARNED*                                                                                                                       itome walked over to akemi slowly. All of a sudden akemi pulled itomes shirt and started kissing him, slowly but surely pushing his down until akemi was sitting on his lap. "Kei-chan, what are you doing?" Itome said getting his breath back. "What? You know you like it~" Akemi replied. After 2 minutes, they were full on making out. Itome's hand was on the side of akemis head and akemis hands wrapped around his neck. 

After a while, both boys started to take off their clothes. However still kissing each other. All of a sudden Itome was moving akemi underneath him. "ito, what are you doi-" Akemi said while being cut of with a kiss. 

*AKEMI'S POV*                                                                                                                                                                         Well, you could say itome totally topped me. He has only done that once before, however that's when we were first started dating. I can't lie, he was good at it and I was enjoying myself.


"Itome~" Akemi moaned as itome thrusted.

"i love you kei-chan~" Itomes said while looking into his eyes.

"I love you to idiot~" Akemi replied with.

Akemi ended up coming on the bed sheet and itome came in his ass.

"T-that was good, ito~. We need to do this more often." Akemi said taking breaths in between each word.

"Yeah, i agree kei-chan. But i think we need to clean up." Itome replied with while chuckling.


Me and itome took a bath together and i washed his hair. I love itome-kun so much and im glad i experienced this together again. 

After the bath itome gave me a shirt and shorts to wear. The shorts were from when i left them here about a week ago, but he washed them so it smelt like his which i loved even more~

To finish of the night we cuddled and kissed each other to sleep. I feel so lucky to have itome with me. He treats me differently to my ex, which im happy about.


ok this is all for this chapter! Again if you have any suggestions please comment them. Gn everyone and have a good day/night!

my love for you~ (itome  x akemi)Where stories live. Discover now