The Dreams + The Gods

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Chapter 1: The dreams + The Gods

Words: 1123

(Y/n) pov

I shoot up in my bed, looking in the darkness of my room. 'That dream keeps coming back, no matter what I do to try and stop it...' I think to myself.

"Maybe Philza or Techno know how to get rid of nightmares -- or atleast stop them for a while..." I say aloud to myself. I get out of bed and walk towards the window facing the path that leads to my house. When I look out of the window, I see Sapnap, Dream and George walking towards my house. I leave the window and get dressed in some comfy clothes. I head downstairs after, and as soon as I get downstairs, I hear a knock on the door. I walk towards the door, but before I open it, I look through the window near the door to confirm if it was Dream, Sapnap and George. It was them so I went and opened the door. After I opened the door, I peered around them to see if they were followed.

"Hey guys.." I hesitantly say while letting them into the house. They walk inside and after closing the door, I lead them to the living room.

"Do you guys want anything?" I ask them. They shake their heads no and sit on my couch. I walk over and sit in my chair, looking at them as they haven't said anything since arriving.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" George asks. I look towards him before glancing around again.

"Yeah, George is right...You've been acting a little weird all week, Y/n." Dream says as Sapnap nods his head in agreement. I look at them and see the worried faces on George and Sapnap. Though I can't see Dreams' facial expression, I can still tell that he is worried about me.

"No...I'm not okay.." I finally say. Dream sits up straighter while the worried looks that George and Sapnap had worsened.

"What's wrong? Did someon-" Sapnap started but I cut him off. "No...It's... It's Nothing" I sigh, thinking about telling them but decide not to.

"It's obviously not nothing if you're this skittish," George said as he moved from the couch to stand beside me, his hand on my shoulder.

"I... I keep having the same dream over and over again... a-and when I wake up, I hear a voice..." I say with tears gathering in my eyes. George pulls me into a hug. My head is in his chest, but I can only guess that he is sharing looks with Dream and Sapnap.

"Will you be willing to tell us about your dream?" I hear Sapnap ask. I pull my head out of George's chest. I look at Dream and Sapnap as I nod my head yes.

I tell them about my dreams and the two recurring people.

"Can you describe both of them to us, Y/n?" Dream asks. I look at all of them and slowly nod my head.

I sigh, "The main person is a girl...anytime her name is spoken, it's just static.. I can't hear what her name is no matter how hard I try," I stop to take deep breaths. George pats my back as an attempt to comfort me. I nod my head to let them know that I'm okay to continue.

"The girl has long black hair, her right eye is yellow...her pupil looks like the nuclear waste symbol...Her left eye is a dark blood red...her pupil looks like a snake's pupil" I take a couple more deep breaths before I close my eyes and continue to describe the girl.

"She has two sets of horns. One pair is like Ranboo's, and the second pair is like ram horns. She has a long tail that is fluffy near the end of it. Her wings look like Quackity and Philza's wings. She has rings that cover her fingers and a band that's on one of her horns like Ranboo. She has two necklaces and a choker on. She has piercings in her ears, one earring that is on her right ear hangs down...Oh, I forgot to mention that her ears are pointy, like elf ears." I take a couple more deep breaths and open my eyes.

"Is that all?" Dream says. I look towards him and shake my head. "There is a little more for her, but there is still the boy." I tell them as I walk into my kitchen and grab a glass of water. Afterwards, I walk back into the living room. I sit back down on my chair and take a sip of water.

I sigh as I close my eyes to resume speaking. "She has a harness similar to yours, Dream. She has a tool belt around her waist that has a pickaxe, and an axe hanging on the right; a sword and a book on the left. She has two leg harnesses, one on each leg; the one on the left seems to be holding potions, totems and more books while the one on the right seems to be holding ink, dye, leather, paper and other materials." I open my eyes and look at the boys, who are looking at me -- well besides Dream, he's writing in a book; most likely writing down everything that I just said.

I take a sip of my water and then I close my eyes after sitting the cup down. "The boy's name is Rose. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He also has horns but one of them is broken. He also has a scar, shaped like an X on his shoulder. He wears two necklaces as well." I open my eyes. From what I can tell, Sapnap and George are in shock as their wide eyes stare sharply at me. I hastily look at my lap, anxious of what they will say.

"Do you know who they are?" Dream asks me, his voice as cold as the tundra. I shook my head no, too afraid to look at them, so I just continued to stare at my lap.

"No... Who are they?" I mumbled, slowly starting to look up at Dream.

"Those people that you just described are gods!" Dream yelled. My eyes widen and tears gather in my eyes. Some tears fall from my eyes and I put my head down so I was looking at my lap. It's not that I'm scared of Dream. I'm probably crying from the stress that I've been feeling all week as I haven't been able to sleep because of the dreams.

"Dream! Stop it!" I heard Sapnap yell, but before I could look up to see, my vision went black and the last thing I heard was someone calling my name.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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