"Yea I figured that when we pulled up to my dream house, but what made you realize it?" And he figets for a minute in place "dont freak out but..umm..just..just look" he says steadily growing more nervous the more he babbles on and I laugh "jensen I think i can handle what ever is behind that doorway your blocking", and finally he reluctantly moves from the door frame letting me enter slowly. I stare around blankly for a moment wondering what he thought was so terrible then I notice some more detailed changes, and turn to look at jensen, but he cant meet my eyes so I ask "okay so we're married in this universe whats so bad about that?", and he stares at me bewildered "what you dont think this will be extremly awkward or anything?" And I laugh "no but I am curious as to whos perfect life it could be because mines the house so I dont think this part would be mine to?" And I see jensen figet "yea I wonder?", then he walks around the room "so lets get our facts together, so what do we know?", and i look around the room " okay so we're married, we dont have any kids, ..okay..oh but were still friends with jared and val so thats a plus", and jensen smiles "yea this isnt half bad now we just need to figure out how to get out of this universe". We stand there in silence awkwardly for a minute then jensen breaks the tension "so where are we going to sleep?" And I look around and think to my self " if this is my dream home then I think I might know where everything is maybe" and I start up a stair case and turn some corners and come to a door and open it to find a nice perfect bedroom with a fluffy black cover and pillows "this is your room" I say looking aat him thwn we walk on around expecting to find my room but there dosent seem to be one "so where are you going to sleep" jensen says looking confused and I say "I guess ill sleep on the couch" but jensen cuts me off "no ill sleep on the couch you sleep here" then I have a bright idea "well im not giving in and obviously neither are you how about we make a comprimise we'll both sleep in the floor on a palet in the living room" and jensen smiles "its a sleep over then"

A Supernatural Comic-Con
Fanfictiona story of two friends who go to Comic-Con to see the actors of their favorite show supernatural but get a lot more than they bargined for so buckle up and enjoy its going to be a bumpy ride!. ¤♡alva♡¤