All I could think about as me and jared lay in bed was amber yea I know iv got a beautiful man by my side and I think of my best friend but hear me out she seems so different since she got here she's more focused and more confident and I just cant help but think that jensen is good for her and they seem so comfortable together.
I lay in bed pondering this a while before jared rolled over grunting opening his mouth and groaning "cant sleep?" And I chuckled feeling the bed sway slightly "yea you know me so well" and he turned over opening his eyes fully staring intently at me waiting.
I rolled over smiling "you'll think im an idoit, but I just cant help but think of amber. She Used to have to depend on me when we where in crowds and especially with boys, but sense we got split up and she got stuck here with jensen she seems diffrent, and its a good diffrent mind you know, but I just cant help but feel a little upset like she dosent need me anymore."
Jared leaned closer to me placing a gentle kiss on my lips making me grin despite myself and said "yes amber is growing more independent and may be able to handle herself better when she's around men, but you are her best friend no matter what she's always going to come to you when she needs help.
Laying there in bed i realized, jared was right she might be able to handle herself now but she will always come to me when she needs help. I don't need to worry about her she will always be with me.

A Supernatural Comic-Con
Fanfica story of two friends who go to Comic-Con to see the actors of their favorite show supernatural but get a lot more than they bargined for so buckle up and enjoy its going to be a bumpy ride!. ¤♡alva♡¤