chapter 8

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I look over at jared as I can see him getting slowly more concerned 'hey jared um.. maybe they're really not here" and he stops suddenly and finally sighs "yea but its all just so...god help me supernatural..wait a minute.." he begins thinking to himself "what if..and dont think im completely loony..but what if it actually is something supernatural" and I stare at him coming to a realization "that is probebly the most logical thing you've come up with this whole time" and he smirks at me why val was that a compliment" and he even gasps sacstically for effect. "Okay Sherlock lets go do some research".


I lay on the floor what felt like hours before I hear him walk into the room, and lays his palet down on the floor beside me and on the inside I'm screaming with excitement but on the outside I lean on my elbows casually and look up at him "what are you doing your supposed to take the couch?" And he grins down at me with his hands on his hip " well I told I refuse to and so do you so we'll just stick with your compromise and lay in palets on thw floor." And I laugh "oh a sleep over then?" And he smirks cheekily 'you call it whatever you want". I can't believe what he just said "so apparently when you get tired you get sassy" but all he does is wink and I say "well goodnight then sassy pants" and I turn over to pretend to sleep but before I finally fall asleep I here him whisper to himself "what did I say that for "call it whatever you want" that sounds so stupid!" And I smile but think 'could he like me? Could the actual Jensen ackles like me back!" Then i finally fall onto a deep sleep. In my dream I'm no longer in my own dream house but some boarded up building hanging but I can't yell for help or tell one thing from another then the horrible creature its self knocks me out again and as quick as before I wake up sweating in my palet and its nine o'clock in the morning and I here jensen singing in the kitchen and I think to myself "ill have to tell him after breakfast" and i head to see what's cooking.

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