Val and Jared head to bed finally, though Jared is still so out of it I doubt he realizes where he is. Jensen is done asleep in Jared's guest room. I yawn and head up stairs getting comfortable in a chair by Jensen sleeping form afraid to sleep in case he has a nightmare, so I can wake him. Just as I thought around 1:30 I hear Jensen start to groan and I sit up straighter and whisper his name quietly, but stay a safe distance away in case he wakes up swinging.
I abandon safety as he starts to thrash and I slap his face finally bringing him to his senses. Jensen blinks his eyes and looks around before clearing his throat,.."amber?". I kiss his forehead "yea Jay, it's do you feel?". Jensen looks around seeming to be catching his bearings. "..I have one hell of a headache, and my chest is pretty sore, but I'm okay considering..". I laugh and kiss him lightly on the lips trying not to put all my weight on his chest. i pull away and sit on the edge of the bed giving him space to lift himself up slowly.
i clear my throat and take his hand intertwining our fingers "Jared and val are probably still asleep. Its still really early. do you wanna try and go back to bed?" Jensen sighs and looks around obviously still shaken by his dream. "can we just lay here..maybe I'm not really tired right now i feel like my heart is never going to stop racing". i don't say anything, but gently push him to lay back down. being in his arms is one of the best feelings in the world.
Jensen sighs in content as i curl into his side. i feel like we can never get close enough. in the quiet of the night with the sound of Jensen's calm even breaths i'm reminded of his proposal. Its funny how that was only a day and a half ago, but i grin to myself all the same. maybe Jensen will remember tomorrow and i find it hard to fall asleep. i dream of white dresses and dark red drapes when i finally do slip into unconsciousness.
"amber, are you going to get up sometime today?" Jensen whispers in my ear a wide grin evident in his tone. I grab his wrist and pull him to me laying with him against me. scooting closer if possible i sigh " do i have to?" Jensen smiles only if you want breakfast. val made waffles your favorite if i'm correct?" i laugh sitting up "yes you are. i do love waffles". he laughs and stands pulling me the rest of the way up before throwing me over his shoulder no trace of aches or pains from last night.
i laugh "what about your chest shouldn't you be sore?" Jensen laughs as he continues down the hallway "i found some pain killers in the first aid kit". i don't struggle, but i am glad i decided to sleep in sweat pants. i'm sure Jared would not want to see me in my underwear. he sits me down gently and pulls out my chair before taking his own seat beside me. i gladly dig into the waffles. the thought of whether Jensen remembers proposing in the back of my mind forgotten for now.

A Supernatural Comic-Con
Fanfictiona story of two friends who go to Comic-Con to see the actors of their favorite show supernatural but get a lot more than they bargined for so buckle up and enjoy its going to be a bumpy ride!. ¤♡alva♡¤