Part 8

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NOTE: I have only seen the lore from when Tommy betrays Techno that one time so there's a fun fact and even then I don't remember much of back then!

Also short chapter just as a kind of filler, a look at what Etro is up to and what Lmanburg is up to


Tubbo is currently in the conference room arguing with Quackity. It seems to be all they do now. Fundy, Quackity, and him always seem to go in circles with their arguing, not agreeing on what is best to do with their country.

Tubbo can only lean over the paperwork that is in front of him. He stopped trying to read it a long while ago, only spacing out.

"Tubbo! Are you even listening!" He hears Quackity yell.

"Yes and no." Tubbo says lazily, not looking up at them. He thought that this would be a smooth presidency but they can't even agree on the simplest things. And he has mountains of paperwork that just keep getting taller, he can't seem to make a dent in anything he does.

Tubbo is about to get up to take a breath of fresh air when he hears the door open. The arguing stops in the room and everyone turns to look at the door.

"Dream! What is up!" Quackity says, acting buddy buddy with Dream, going up to shake his hand. Dream steps into the room with Punz behind him. Dream has his green cloak on with the hood up. His smile mask covers the entirety of his face so no one can view his face or head.

Tubbo stood up from his seat. "Dream, for what do we owe the pleasure?" he says, pushing his shoulders back. He walks by Fundy who has stayed put at his area of the table, observing.

"Tommy is dead. He killed himself." Dream says bluntly.

Everyone's hearts drop instantly. "What." Tubbo says. Eyes wide and his mouth falling open. He looks Dream dead on. Fundy's ears fall flat and his mouth falls open. Quackity stills, his eyes going wide and dropping his hands down.

"He jumped." Dream says, a slight tone of apathy in his voice.

Tubbos legs fail him and he drops back down in his seat.

"No.. he wouldn't.." He whispers to himself.

"I hate to say it but it was some time coming. I had to pull him back from a ledge of a nether trail not too long ago.. Such a shame."

"What! Why didn't you say anything!" Quackity yells.

"What difference would it have made? You guys never came to visit him, though you didn't care about him anymore. He sure thought that way. After all, he was the cause of most of the conflicts, wasn't he?"

"That doesn't matter! You-" Quackity starts again but Dream cuts him off, "You were his friend weren't you? At least acquaintances? If you really were worried you should have come to see him at some point." Dream says. No one can bring themselves to argue against Dream, he was right after all. No one has visited him in a long time as far as each of them knew. "I only came to tell you this, I am leaving now." Dream and Punz turn to leave, shutting the door behind them.

"Fuck.." Quackity says, kicking the ground.

"I can't believe this.." Tubbo says, leaning forward in his seat and putting his head in his hands.

"I need proof. No way can he be dead." Tubbo says, getting up and rushing to the door. No one dares to stop him as he runs out the room.

Tubbo steps through the end portal to the exile place Tommy was placed in.


Tubbo reads on the sign outside of the portal. He looks around the area. It is a generally nice area with a nice looking but small base not too far away. He spins around and sees it.. A messy mixed tower going up into the sky. It must be at least a hundred blocks up. His heart drops and he slaps his hand over his mouth.

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