Chapter Fifty-Four: Mouth Things

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Kitsuk's POV:

I bristle with nerves, knowing there is no going back after this.

Adir left to get his brothers all for dinner and I know it's now or never. This chance won't come again.

My discussion with Adir today has reminded me how truly good I have it here, how good of a life they have given me. I should be better for them.

It's time I have a girl for Issac and start cooking better meals for them to enjoy, and fawning and pampering them when they come back from working in the field, doing so, so that I may eat and spend my time taking pleasant walks at my leisure, doing a thing here and there that is of use to them.

I hear their voices as they approach and I know it's time.

Closing my eyes I sink to the floor, I find myself in a kneeling position on the dirt floor of the hut.

This moment brings me back to memories from my childhood when I would have to kneel every time my brothers or mother's lord would come into the room.

It brings me feelings of great anxiousness, but this is for them and not for me.

The door swings open and Killian comes in first, tripping over his own feet when he sees me. Dorian comes in behind him, stumbling a bit from knocking into Kilian's back.

"What are you-" Larken's words die as he sees my knelt position.

I keep my eyes down cast and palms up, doing my best to keep my breathing even.

These are my men, the will bring me no harm, but my body doesn't seem to understand, my muscles tight, ready to be struck any moment.

"Kitsuk?" Adir questions in concern, dropping next to me. I glance over at him, sharing a smile. As he strokes my arm, tension starts to dissipate, allowing me to relax into the knelt position better.

"You remembered..." Killian whispers behind me and I nod, keeping my head down still.

I can't see myself doing this often, but I can tell it means a lot to Killian that I remembered his request from the time I asked them what I could do better for them.

I had asked them that long ago with good intentions, but realize now I should have done much more to fulfill their desires sooner.

"Remembered what?" Adir questions, still concerned.

Killian drops down and hugs me from behind, nearly knocking me over from my knelt position.

"He asked her to kneel for us when we came home from work when we played that one game early on," Dorian murmurs, clearly remembering too as it was important to him as well.

He drops down as Killian releases me, pecking my cheek and stroking my back.

"What a very good girl," Dorian praises, taking my upturned palm and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"What do you do now?" Issac questions, sounding confused about the situation.

"I'm not sure, my sisters would never get up from there when I was in the room," Larken admits.

"I'm not leaving when she's like this," Kilian warns, drawing a smile to my face.

"You're alright?" Adir questions softly, stroking my arm as Killian and Dorian fawn over me, petting my hair and continuing to tell me how good I am.

I nod, jutting my chin towards the table. "Dinner is in the table," I inform Adir, able to tell he finds this more concerning than exciting like his brothers.

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