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Dazai paled at the sight of his long-time partner. Chuuya had been his companion in battle for years, his soulmate, and the brute force in battle. He never thought he'd see him again after leaving the Port Mafia. 

Before his departure, he had blown up his car not because he wanted to kill him, but to free him of any suspicion. After discovering Dazai's escape, all eyes would've been on Chuuya since, as he was closest to him, he could've helped him flee. By blowing up the car and making them believe he'd betrayed him, not only had Dazai saved Chuuya's life; he had also prevented him from missing him. Who would cry for the person who'd tried to murder you? 

Obviously, he should've thought about it twice because Chuuya was dumb enough to weep for his apparent potential murderer and to search thoroughly for him. And there he was, standing at the opposite side of the room, with the same lame taste of fashion and his weird ass hat.

Chuuya smirked while crouching down and rolling up his sleeves defiantly. Atsushi was extremely confused. Those two clearly knew each other and he was missing a lot. He was about to transform but to his surprise, Shuuji touched him and nullified his ability.

Dazai: -Don't. This is between him and me. –

Atsushi wanted to retort but to the threatening glare of his mentor, he nodded and crawled to a safe spot. Chuuya looked down at the teenager and commented hatefully:

Chuuya: - I can see that you found a new partner. I guess he must be better than me for you to abandon me. –

Dazai: -He has nothing to do with what happened and no, I didn't mean to abandon you. In any case, why would you care? I thought it'd make you happy not to see me anymore. Didn't you hate me so much or... Did you miss me, Chuuyaaaa? –

The last question was marked with the teasing tone he always used with his ex-partner and, of course, it had the desired effect. Chuuya glared daggers at Dazai and put a disgusted face.

Chuuya: -No way! You know how much I hate you, you bandage freak! I just don't like to be substituted for a useless kid! –

Dazai laughed at his excuse and Chuuya had had enough of it. He resorted to the thing he was best at: violence. He pounced at the brunette and started throwing aimless kicks, which the other easily dodged. Dazai kept laughing at his intentions until a rock smashed into his head and sent him flying across the room. 

Chuuya had used his gravity ability and, because he couldn't attack him directly, he had thrown an object instead. Despite the pain that exploded in his skull, Dazai managed to grin and kept pushing the ginger.

Dazai: -Wow, can't believe you did that. Normally you would want a fair game but I see that you've become more of a cheater overtime. –

Chuuya: -Shut up! I didn't come here to challenge you, I'm here to kill you and I don't care in what means! –

Dazai: -Ooohhh Chuuya cares for me so much that he has travelled all the way here just to kill me. I must be so important to him! –

Chuuya attacked him again but landed on the wall, creating a cloud of smoke. After dissipating, Dazai was already behind his former partner on his feet.

Dazai: -Chuuya must've cried for me a lot because he hasn't had enough time to train harder. He's as slow as the slug he is! –

Chuuya lunged at him again but every time Dazai succeeded in evading him. All those years working and fighting together had allowed him to memorize every single one of his moves, timings and thrusts. In the end, they were back in the same place they had started: Dazai on one side with Atsushi hiding near him, and Chuuya on the opposite side. 

The brunette was bleeding on his head but the ginger was intact, apart from some minor bruises. Suddenly, Chuuya started taking his gloves off while mumbling some intelligible words. Atsushi didn't know what was going on but Dazai knew exactly what that meant. Had Chuuya gone mad?

Dazai: -Atsushi! Take cover and don't get near him! Chuuya, stop this! You know you're going to die if you activate Corruption! –

Chuuya's blue eyes were turning white and smaller but he still conserved his consciousness. He started crying and shouting at him, his sobs of sorrow, pain and anger.

Chuuya: -I don't care! I'm going to kill you even if I have to sacrifice my life for it! I don't want to have to see you again, I don't want to have to cry over you again, I don't want to miss you no more and I don't want to live in a world where you leave me behind! –

His eyes finally turned blank and red ribbons covered his skin. He smiled inhumanely and started laughing hysterically. He raised his arm and produced a giant energy orb which he then threw at his side. 

The ground shook beneath them but the redhead didn't flinch and proceeded to throw more orbs, some of them almost hitting Atsushi. The weretiger was going to attack, even without his powers, but Dazai stopped him again.

Dazai: -In this state he's almost invincible but he also isn't conscious and will attack until his energy runs out and he'll die. Keep him entertained while I try to approach him. If I can touch him, I'll be able to nullify his ability. –

Fine, Atsushi was going to be the bait again! The weretiger came out of his hiding spot and shouted to get the mafioso's attention. More orbs were thrown at him but thanks to his animalistic speed he could dodge them all. 

Meanwhile, Dazai was trying to get near his partner in silence. It wasn't an easy fit and in many occasions Atsushi was almost hit because of it but finally Dazai reached Chuuya's wrist and held tight onto it. 

Chuuya froze in the spot, his eyes slowly going back to normal and the ribbons disappearing from his skin. He turned to see Dazai, his eyes connecting with those with a reassuring glare, and tears threatening to fall down.

Chuuya: -Why did you save me when I tried to kill you? –

Dazai: -Because I also blew up your car. Now we're even. –

Chuuya was going to answer but he passed out and fell on the ground. Dazai went down with him, letting the ginger rest his head on his lap and caressing his red locks gently. He didn't want to admit it but fuck, he had missed his face. Atsushi walked to them, breathing heavily.

Atsushi: -There's a lot you got to tell me. Also, Chuuya-san didn't call you Shuuji-kun. Who are you? –

Dazai kept looking at his unconscious partner and smiled softly while still playing with his hair. He then looked at Atsushi with a more serious expression and said:

Dazai: -I'm sorry I hid so many things from you but you were never supposed to know. I've tried to hide my past, to keep it a secret but it seems it has come back to haunt me. I should've known I wouldn't be able to improve without facing my crimes. I'll tell you everything you want to know because without you, I would've probably given up and never followed this path. And my name... My real name is Dazai. Osamu Dazai. -

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