Movie Night (Part 2)

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You sit on his bed, looking around the room. Its very neat.

"Is anybody else home?" You ask casually.

"My mom went out to buy groceries," Norman says as he sits next to you on the bed after staring the movie. "Soo..." He says casually while the beginning credits starts.

"So..." You reply in the same tone.

He seems to really be debating on saying something. & just as you're going to ask what, he speaks.

"What are your feelings towards me?" He says as his stare catches yours.

Your a bit taken back at his straightforwardness.

"Uhm..." You start to wildly blush.

"I want an honest answer." He says seriously, almost was kind of hot.

You look down at your hands so that you can avoid his stare& speak more bravely. "Well I've kind of had a crush on you since I met you."

"Is that so?" He says a bit amused.

"Yes." You say looking now at the TV.

"So since you've liked me since day one...I guess you must REALLY like me now huh?"

You nod still avoiding his stare.

"Hmm.." He says in that same amused tone. "So...if I kissed you wouldn't object?"

You look at him, not knowing if he was serious or not, yet you feel your ears burning.

He chuckles a bit, then pulls your face slightly towards his. "Well....I feel the same way....& I've NEVER felt this way towards anybody." With that he presses his soft lips against yours.

You feel all the, now awake, butterflies in your stomache flutter in every direction.

You kiss him back almost automatically. You lay back& he follows, his lips never leaving yours. Your kiss starts to become more intense& you feeling it in the lower half of your body. Half his body is on top of you, but he keeps his hands at your waist& the other on your neck, keeping your face in place.

'This isn't right.' You think to yourself, not this soon.

As if on cue, you hear a door slam outside. Norman stops kissing you & freezes. Listening. Then he quickly gets up & walks to the window.

"Its my mom. She's back, I should go help her." He sounds it of breath.

"Ok." You respond a bit breathless yourself. Greatful that he didn't continue yet a but disappointed that he didn't.

He walks back towards you & kisses you one more time. "I'll be back to pick up where we left off. Watch the movie."

His words send a sensation through your body& you nod in reply.

He walks out & slightly closes the door behind him. You turn to face the TV & get lost in the movie.

After a while you realize that he's still not back. Its been a while, maybe 20min? 30 maybe? You stand up & creep up to the door, debating to whether or not to go down to see what's taking so long. You stand there & decide not to, t will be too rude& just as you turn you hear muffled voices. You stand at the door way to listen, knowing its wrong to listen in to other people conversations.

"You need to burn those clothes," You hear Norman say in a hushed tone from just under the stairs. "If the police come by asking questions they will find them."

You hear a muffled reply. A female crying? Is it Normans mom? You step closer to the door.

"Mother calm down it wasn't your fault, he deserved it." Norman sounds cold, maybe even angry.

You get a cold shiver through your body. Omg! What has she done?

"Mother clean yourself up, I'll be back later to check on you, I have company & they are probably wondering where I am." Norman is coming up the stairs & you panic & run as quietly as possible to the bed.

You pretend to be completely lost in the movie.

"Hey." Norman says as he sits on the edge of the bed again.

"Hey Norman, what took you so long? You missed my favorite part" you try to sound completely unaware of what you just heard& succeed.

You casually look at the time& its almost 12:40am. (Yes! An excuse!)

"Omg! Norman I have to go. My mom will be home soon & I'll be in HUGE trouble if I'm out later than her." You lie& sound sincere.

Norman looks annoyed. "Ok, I'll walk you out."

{A/N: I know...this one was short but I've been busy. I'll post again soon. Please vote& comment.


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