An Arrival, At last

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What is the best way to accept one's fate?

Penalia wondered as she rolled restlessly in bed while dreaming about two gigantic bears chasing her. They were beating the door down that she had shut for her safety. Fear gripped her, and her breath became trapped in her lungs.There was no where for her to go; she was trapped in a dark, unknown place. She gulped and closed her eyes, bracing herself for the worst. She knew what was about to come, but she also knew she wasn't ready to die. The door flew open and a rush of cool wind spread across her face.

Penalia's face was drenched in sweat as she slowly tried to open her eyes. Her eyelids felt like heavy logs over her face. With immense effort and having given up for about five times, she was finally able to see. She was lying in a room, dimly lit with lanterns. A window to the left was wide open with wind and rain pouring in. The place felt unfamiliar as she was yet to regain her memories of the past few days.

She moaned when the cool breeze hit her sweat-clad neck. The sheets felt damp too. She got up from the bed swiftly and groaned when she experienced a head rush. Her body had turned weak. It felt like someone had twisted all of her organs. Before she could even take a step forward, a grave voice from behind her spoke, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Penalia turned around, startled, to see a dark figure sitting beside her bed in a chair. It was a man wearing a dark cloak and sitting directly under the wrath of the rain. He seemed unbothered with the wetness, but looking at him gave Penalia chills. Memories started to rush in, and it felt as if they were coming alive before her eyes. She recalled a strange figure in the woods, a child crying blood, and everything happening amiss. A lightning strike took her by surprise, and it's flash set the room aglow for a few seconds, enough time for her to make out that the strange man had a familiar face.

 Eron stood up from his position and started walking in her direction. She instantly froze, and the air seemed cooler than before. She searched her mind for thoughts, but it acted like a tabula rasa.

Eron stopped in his steps as soon as he saw fear and confusion spread across Penalia's face. He hadn't meant to scare her. On the contrary, he had been with her all night in case she felt scared. The irony is that one of the players that stays undefeated. He was constantly at a loss of words when he was confronted with her. She was petrified of him. He was aware of that. He knew she was forced to marry him. What he didn't know was how to make his wife feel comfortable.

 She was suspicious of him, so he always watched her from a distance. Only he knew how much of a challenge it was for him to stay away from her. But she was right with her reservations about him, as he had not given her any time to get to know him. Their wedding was rushed, they had never met, and most importantly, he didn't have the image of a righteous suitor at all. He only hoped time would make her see him in a better light. He saw Penalia slowly regain her senses and bowed down. "My lord," she said, with her head bent down.

 Putting on the most welcoming face he could, he nodded in her direction and asked her gently, "Just making sure you are okay, my lady."

He looked up at her in hope of seeing any fear vanishing away, but instead something else took its place, maybe anger. It could be resentment.

 Penalia straightened her back, feeling a sudden bout of annoyance. She needed to centre it somewhere to pour it out.

 Clenching her teeth, she hissed, "Were you watching me sleep, Sir?"

 Her full lips pouted with irritation. She was piqued by his inappropriate behavior.

He responded positively, "Yes, to assure your safety, my lady," and he levelled his eyes with her.

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