No Space Needed

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There is always space between the palms of two lovers holding hands when one has come home from war and the other brings war home.

Somewhere far away,

Rokko was grumpy today. The creature had arrived, and yet they could not touch her. The master Goblin had yet to give the order for it's capture. Rokko could smell it from afar, or at least he liked to think so. He couldn't wait to sink his teeth into the delicate flesh and feast on it. But sadly, he wasn't allowed. The creature was far too superior to be served as food. The goblins had been anticipating this day for a long time. It was near them, it was alive once again, and the anticipation of killing it was killing Rokko. He thirsted for it's blood.

Maqua was the king of the Goblins. Although there wasn't much left on the throne, he was nonetheless the king. The caves had been home to goblins for centuries, but it was time for them to come out and rule the north. They had been suppressed and pushed into the dark for far too long by other creatures.

 For hundreds of years, they had never dared to fight and cowered in fear of the dwarves and the witches. They could put up with wizards, but not witches. They were cranky, aggressive, and way too protective. Besides, witches were naturally better at magic than wizards.
Maqua now sat on a golden throne, pretty much the only thing that was not filthy, muddy, and wet in the cave of goblins. They loved to live in filth.

 Maqua knew they would not have to live like dirty reptiles for long. They had found a way. A month ago, a fellow Goblin came across a time turner. It does not actually turn back time, but can send one back in time. It was a rare find, and one too precious at that. It was an object of high order owned by the dwarves of Brill's deep: Aksa, the eye of an ancient dragon that had the power to make shifts in time. There was a rumour that Aksa went missing, only to be ultimately found by the goblins. It was their rescuer, a live giver. They had a second chance now. They would soon capture the powerful creature in it's full bloom and drain it's powers. The plan was to use it for destruction. They would rule once again with the powers, and they only had to make a small sacrifice.

Rokko approached Maqua and said, "Your Majesty, what will we have for dinner?"

Maqua grunted and replied, "Frog soup. We have an occasion to celebrate. "

"But your majesty, when are we going to seize the occasion?" He asked in desperation.

"Patience, Rokko. I do not want to hear another word about it! When the time comes, we will be ready. The creature will be ready," Maqua replied arrogantly.

Rokko bowed and stepped back, cursing Maqua under his breath. He could not wait to get out of the cave and become a free goblin.

The goblins were not a pretty sight to behold. Their pale green skin was gnarly and bumpy. Many of them had pus oozing out of various parts of their bodies. They practically looked like giant frogs, with extremely large noses, fat faces, and big ears. What hid behind their ugly bodies were some evil hearts. Living in the dark caves had turned goblins dark. They craved to go out, and for that they were ready to sacrifice anything and everything. They were evil cowards who had finally found their true chance. Simply getting out of caves was not enough for them; they wanted to rule the world. Their hearts desired power, wealth, and gold.


Penalia had the same nightmare again. She was being beheaded for treason. She woke up with a jolt, covered in sweat. It was a recurring dream, recurring every few days. She had searched her mind various times, asked her relatives and friends, and even confronted her father about it. Nobody knew anything about the dream. She did not know where it stemmed from, but every time she dreamt of it, an omnious feeling would envelope her. It would feel like she was being threatened and sleep would not come again to her.

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