Chapter Two

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"Hey um... not to intrude but um we had Tony ask about the girl thing."
"No it's fine."
"Are you... non-binary?" I ask. He freezes. I say, "It's okay if you are. I was just curious."
"No... I'm not."
"Okay listen we're really accepting you can tell us stuff okay?"
"We'll accept you either way."
He finishes cooking everyone wakes up.
"How are you?"
"I'm fine I made breakfast."
Eric sits beside him and asks, "hey are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine... I'm excited for the session."
We eat. He smiles. Walter walks in and says, "Oh, thanks for breakfast."
"No problem."
"Let's start shall we?"
The spell is blasted at us once more.

Gale's POV

We're in the forest back where we were but I feel more powerful than before my goddess must be helping us! I turn to Orlov.
"Me headache."
"Are you okay big guy?" Aella asks.
"Me head ache. Me fine."
We walk on. She's humming a song. Tegan begins to sing it too.
"Let not your heart be troubled.
Let your eyes be humbled."
"Let us not be forgot
Let us live by our lot."
"Let the wind guide us now.
Let gusts show us how."
They both stop and turn. I smile. That's sweet. Tegan smiles and walks on. She follows him slightly sighing. We walk on through the forest until we reach a clearing. Ahhh! A lycan! It growls. It's a brown werewolf with yellow eyes. It growls again.
"Woah boy," Aella says.
"Are you hungry?"
It perks up. She pulls out some turkey jerky. It jumps onto her and eats the jerky. It turns into a boy brown hair green eyes. He's got a bow on his back and hunting knife on his side. He sits up confused. 
"Wha? Wha happened? What did the fey queen do to me?"
"Lycan," Aella replies. He turns and notices the tail. He laughs... more of giggles. She asks, "How old are you?"
"Eighteen and you?"
"Cool!" He says before his eyes go back yellow. He pulls his bow and shoots a deer making a clean shot. He moans, "Food!"
"Sit!" She says. He sits like a dog. She takes his knife and gets the meat. She says, "Go get more!"
He grabs his bow.
"What the hell?"
"He's got a dog's brain so simple commands work."
He comes back with two more.
"Good boy!"
He pants happily. She pets his head. I ask, "What's your name?"
She starts to cook the meat. His eyes turn back green. He whimpers. She asks, "What's wrong?"
"You can wait."
She finishes cooking and cuts us each some. She is drying the rest. I check my watch. It's lunch time no wonder I'm hungry. I realize that Tegan has one too. We eat. Mmm. So good! Orlov and Lucas tear the meat and chew it like animals. I sigh. As does she.
"Do you want to come with us?"
"Sure! Food!"
She gives him her food.
"Hey, you should eat too," Merlin says. I nod. She smiles.
"I'll be fine."
"Are you sure? I mean your goddess probably wouldn't want you to starve," I say.
"I don't have a goddess... anyways what goddess do you serve?" She asks.
"Martina goddess of health and war."
"Cool," she says softly. She continues, "I'll just finish off this ration. I'll be fine."
"Okay," I say softly.
"Hey?" Merlin asks.
"Hm?" Tegan asks. 
"Are you a half elf?"
"Me orc!" Orlov shouts.
"We know Orlov," Merlin says softly but not angrily.
"I'm a elf," Lucas says.
"Why did the fey queen attack you then?"
"I don't know... she never really liked me."
"Why not?"
"I don't know."
"I wish I knew... I think it might be my brother's meanness."
"What do you mean?"
"He wanted to kidnap the princess. I told him not to."
"You did?"
"Mhm! He disappeared but luckily didn't take her."
"Hm," Aella says.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I don't know."
"I don't know why he wanted to take the princess."
"Is the princess missing?"
"Not that I'm aware of."
"Hm... maybe we should go see?"
"You should stay outside of the fey's realm," Tegan says.
"Yeah," Aella says.
"Let us know when we are close though," Merlin says.
"I'll sit down," Lucas says.
"Okay," I say.

Tegan's POV

Wasn't our princess kidnapped recently? Could he be the one they punished?
"Hey... what was your princess's name?" I ask.
"Princess Leana."
Oh no!
"What's wrong?" Merlin asks.
"That's the name of the princess of the high elves. She was kidnapped recently."
"Oh no!"
"So she must've punished you thinking that you helped your brother kidnap the princess."
"Oh no! I mean I wanted to ask to date her but I'd never kidnap her."
"She's always been so nice to me despite my brother wanting to kidnap her. I was the one who warned her of my brother's plan to kidnap him."
"So when he disappeared did he ever contact you?"
"He sent a poisoned letter angry that I betrayed him by helping the princess."
"Mhm... she cured me of the illness but I haven't felt the same since."
"Hm... you don't speak like a traditional elf," Merlin says.
"Hey! That's just a stereotype!" Lucas and I cry at the same time.
"Oh really?" Merlin asks. I nod. He gives an apologetic smile and says, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that it was... every elf I've met before now had this regal tone. I didn't know that was a stereotype."
"It just depends on how old the elf is and what's going on," Lucas says looking away.
"I could go formal if I wanted I just don't because formal is exhausting," I say relaxing my shoulders.
"Oh... sorry."
"No, it's okay... we need to find Princess Leana."
"Yes we prove Lucas innocent!" Orlov cries. I smile and nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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