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"What!" Yamagishi yell out in shock.

What actually happened is, this morning, the thrio, Akkun, Takuya and Takemichi asked their friend Yamagishi about Black Dragon.

They name their friend as the delinquent's fan. Yamagishi know a lot more about delinquent than anyone in their squat.

After they asked about Black Dragon, they told the story of what happened yesterday. And one of the reason why he shock was because they just ignore the Black Dragon's founders.

"Yeah, and one of the very reason why we ran is because of Takemichy,"

"Ah, what do you mean by that," Takemichi let out an offensive face.

"You have the audacity to looked at me innocently yesterday and you said you just felt like it when you drag us," a tick appears on Akkun's forehead as he grab Takemichi's collar.

"Ahh Takuya, help me," tears appears on Takemichi's eyes, ready to burst out any moment.

"Ok ok, stop for now," Yamagishi put his arm in between Akkun and Takemichi to make space.

"Did you three really just ran away from them yesterday?" Yamagishi asked again.

"Yeah we did," three of them said.

"Was Black Dragon that dangerous, Yamagishi?" Makoto asked. Makoto is one of theirs friend in the squad, there are total of 5 people in their squat.

"Well maybe, cause from what I heard, their leader Sano Shinichiro is a kind person, but I'm not sure about the other, since he was the one who brought all the founders together," Yamagishi explained.

All five of them are silence while Yamagishi have his fingers at his chin.

"So what should we do now?" Makoto asked while looked at each one of them.

"Don't worry don't worry, I wouldn't let them hurt you," Takemichi said as he put his arm around Takuya's shoulder.

"You do aware about you're left shoulder, right," Akkun remind the crybaby after he flicker his forehead.

"I do, but it's doesn't mean I can't fight anymore," the four other sigh at the reply.

After School

"Where do we hang out today?" Takemichi asked his friends.

"Hmm, maybe should we eat something first then go to.."

"Takuya's house," Takemichi continued after Makoto.

"Eh why my house?"

"We haven't visit you're mom for a while now, y'know,"

"Alright alright,"

"So what will we do if they saw us here?" Takuya asked.

"Hm who?"

"The Black Dragon,"

"I guess we will have another run then," Akkun said.

"We just eat, y'know," Makoto remind them.

"Life is on the line,"

"I'm home," Takuya said in loud voice.

"Ah welcome back home dear," Takuya's mother greet her son.

Since Takuya's mother is in the kitchen she didn't saw that Takuya's friends were also there.

"We're also here, Shiori-san," Takemichi greet cheerfully with his smile.

"Ah Takemichi, oh you guys also here," Shiori turn around to face them when she heard Takemichi's voice.

"Sorry for the interruption," all of them said expect Takuya, since it's his place.

"Ara, what are you guys doing here, it been a while since I last saw you guys," Shiori said.

"We figure that it's been awhile since we visited you, so we came here today,"

"Ah is that so, are you guys hungry, I can cook something for you all,"

"Ah no need to do that much, we don't want to bother you,"

"Yeah, beside we already ate outside just now,"

"Alright alright then," Shiori giggle at them.

"So how was school and you're test the other day?" Shiori asked, all of them are seat down on the living room.

"Our school is doing well as well as our test results also,"

"That's great, did you pass all of you're test?"


"I pass all of them as usual," Takemichi said, it was really unexpected of him to pass all of the test. Out of everyone in his squad, he was the one who often pass all of the test and exam.

"That's wonderful, how about the other?"

"I almost pass one and the other one is fail," Akkun said.

"Yamagishi and I, we both fail science and history terribly," Makoto said.

"Ah I surprise you pass the math one," Shiori chuckle.

"They pass, but near the line," they laugh a little.

5 pm.

Takemichi and the rest are going to the separate way to their own house expect Takuya.

Takemichi is on his way to his house alone since they parted away awhile ago.

'Well at least if Takuya bump into the BD then it will be troublesome, since he might not be able to run for long time, thankfully we hang out at Takuya's house instead of other place,'

Takemichi is lost in his thoughts when he was walking on the street.

It's true Takemichi is a reckless guy and stuff, but when it come to his friends, he's really protective of them, especially Takuya.(AKA his favorite)

Takuya is actually one of Takemichi's childhood friend, that time Takemichi is really like a different person compare on his present self. Especially their expression and behavior.

"Oh?" Takemichi suddenly stop on his track to look at the place on his right.

The place he been looking at is a lake, from what he could remember, that's where he met the other Mizo Five.

Maybe it's also the place where he first met Takuya, but he can't remember it clearly, since part of the memory he had years ago he doesn't want to recall it. And again at the same time, he hate it when he forgot.

After looking at the place for a long time, Takemichi decided to sit down at the grass that near by the lake to relax a bit.

Takemichi sit down while hugging his both knees.

The clouds are getting darker, it might not be because it was about night time, but more like it was about to rain.

The ocean eyes male look up at the sky, he like it when it was rain, because it was cold, so he doesn't mind it if he was wet.

Putting both his hands on the ground while he facing up at the sky, it's calming.

Slowly a drop by drop of rain starting to pour at him, but he never care about it.


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