This story starts half way through Jordan's(Jae's) senior year of high school. Jae is your everyday 18 yr old 'bad girl', or, she does bad things like every other high schooler out there. She drinks, smokes, constantly in detention, and defys her pa...
It's my first day at my new job, and I'm terrified, yet excited. I'm teaching Human Anatomy to a small group of Juniors and Seniors, mainly juniors though.
I decided to dress formal, yet casual for my first day. Some black jeans with a tucked in black dress shirt and a light brown jacket and dress boots.
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It's 8:30 am, my class isn't until 10:20 am, which gives me enough time to make my coffee, get ready, and head to the school I work at.
I'm driving to the school in my dark gray, 2002, Honda Civic, when I check my phone. I see a text message, From Mark, my ex boyfriend. It reads: "I'm sorry for the way I treated you, baby. Please, take me back. I'll better this time. Please."
'Pathetic bitch', I say to myself.
"You can't apologize for cheating on me then blaming it on me. I'm done with you, it hasn't even been a week since I left you. Get over yourself and leave me alone." I text back.
Me and Mark were together for 3 years, we met in college. I was studying teaching while he was studying engineering. But he cheated on me. I got home to his place one night, to see him passed out in bed with his phone on the night stand. I grabbed it to plug it in when it turned on, there were messages from a chick named Sarah saying: "I really enjoyed the time we had earlier. You should come over more often😉😍".
Sarah was his boss at work, they always had a close relationship since he started working there, but I tried not to over think it. But there I was, reading the messages she sent him. He was supposed to be at work but instead he was fucking his Boss at her place. I was pissed. I confronted him the next day. He tried to deny it and yell at me for looking through his phone. Once he admitted it, he blamed it on me saying I was lazy and too stuck up.
But enough about him, I have work.
I walk into the building, greeting some coworkers on the way to my classroom. It was 9:30 am, just enough time for me to prepare to teach. I organized my desk some and the 'work' my students were going to do. Work as in a basic paper for me to get to know them better and a small pre test. I organize some of the classroom too so it doesn't look messy, after that, I just sit at my desk working on my computer and looking at the names of my students.
Too soon to be true, it's time for me to stand at my door and greet my students. 9:55 am is when I see my first student walking down the hall to me. A tall red head girl, senior maybe. She's a good 20 feet from me when our eyes meet. Her harsh, emerald green eyes lock with mine and she never breaks it. She continues walking at me, only stopping when she's about 3 feet from me. She is intimidating.
"Hello, welcome to my class. I'll introduce myself when the rest of the students arrive." I say to her.
She just looks at me, then gives a slight smirk. "I already know who you are," She states, "Hello Miss, Dirks."
"And How do you know that when I don't know who you are?" I ask, slightly smirking, trying not to let her see the fear that filled my eyes.
"I got here this morning and was stopped my Mr. Spark, I'm your extra student you needed." She looks me dead in the eyes and takes a step back. "Jordan Nolan, Miss." She extends a hand out to me.
That statement causes me to stop every thought in my mind. I slowly meet her hand with mine in a shake, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Nolan." Her hand is slightly rougher than I expected. Then again, I'm not surprised given her whole self has a rough, intimidating look. The thing that really surprises me is how well my hand fits in hers. But trying to stay professional, I drop her hand.
I see a flash of sadness in her eyes, but it's gone so fast like it never existed. "Oh, love, the pleasure's all mine." She says, smirking. Catching me off guard once again. "See you in class." She winks at me, with the smirk still plastered on her face.
'Holy Shit', my mind says, 'Was she flirting with me??' That was the most terrifying encounter I have had, ever.
Soon after she struts into the classroom every one else follows suit. I give an occasional "Hello" or "Good morning" to the rest of the students as the enter. Once they're all in the classroom, I take a deep breath and enter the room, shutting the door behind me.
I enter as the students are finishing up their conversations with friends and finding their seats. I quickly look over my students until my eyes land on one. Jordan Nolan, sitting in the back of the row closest to my desk. 'She did that on purpose, didn't she?' I ask in my head. 'Definitely'.
Calmly, I walk into the center in front of everyone. The click of my heels gets everyone's attention, including Jordan. But only for a second.
"Hello Everyone, my name is Miss Dirks." I start with an introduction, "I will be your Human Anatomy teacher for the rest of this year. This isn't a very hard class, I'm sure all of you will pass with no worries. But if you need help, let me know." Everyone just looks at me and nods their heads to what I said.
'This is going to be a great first year' I say in my head as I walk back to my desk.