Chapter 7

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☆Jae's Pov☆

A few hours after leaving Miss Dirks in her classroom, pissed, might I add, I'm clocking into work. Plan successful I believe. She is right, it's really not hard to show up to class on time, but if I want to get under her skin that's what I gotta do. And considering my outfit of choice for class, I think she was secretly checking me out. Could be wrong though, I didn't pay much attention to her facial expressions besides anger.

I take a deep breathe and zone back into the world, I've been cleaning and organizing the bar for the night. I hear the clicks of glassware being cleaned to my left, looking over I see my coworker Ollie cleaning them. The pub opened maybe an hour ago so it's not busy yet.

"How long you working tonight Jae?" Ollie asks, he glances over at me.

"I my shift ends around 9 or 10, or close," I shrug "Whenever I'm told to leave I guess."

He chuckles a bit, "Me too kid. Me too." I've known Ollie since I started working at this pub under the table, he actually trained me. He's been working here for about 8 years. He's in his mid 30s, olive tan skin, always nearly dressed, with dark brown almost black wavy hair that's down to about his ears. He wears a ring but I don't think he's married yet.

A patron walks up to the bar to order a round of drinks for him and his friends as they play pool in the corner. We won't be very busy tonight, it's Tuesday, the respectful and kinds people are here during the week just to be social. The crazies usually come between Thursdays and Sundays. We will be hit with a 'rush' come 8 o'clock, which happens every day.

I love my job and the people I get to see, but I wish I could just go home right now.


☆Miss Dirks Pov☆

I. Hate. Grading.

The first week just started and I hate it, it's so tedious. It's actually quite easy, but when you have multiple students to grade, it's annoying. Maybe I can make Jordan grade the classwork in detention.


My mind flashes back to class today, me having to address her tardiness and dress code.

"What? You don't like it? I thought you would." She smirked at me, I fought the urge to look her up and down. But her actions still angered me.

I will not deny, she looked good today. Her V-cut shirt showed the perfect amount of cleavage... But she is my student. Who disrespected me and knew ful well she was in dress code violation.

"Why is she trying so hard to piss me off?" I almost slam my head into my kitchen counter. I slowly slid off the stool I was sitting on and moved to the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of wine and salsa from the fridge, along with tortilla chips and a wine glass from their respective cabinets. If I'm going to torture myself with grading I'm going to enjoy wine and a snack.

I get settled back onto the stool and take a slow sip of wine, taking a breathe and close my eyes, feeling the wine slide down my throat and slowly take effect. Should I be grading while intoxicated? No, probably not, but I don't give a fuck. Being wine drunk is horrible though, so I will not be drinking a lot.

Back to grading. I pull the stack of papers toward me, pushing Jordan's off to the side for later observation and get to work on the others. Pretty much everyone got full credit, except a couple boys that want to be too close for comfort. I've encountered students like this before, I'm used to it at this point. If they try to hard I'll report them, and maybe fail them.

By now, it's 9:30 pm, just one more paper to go. Jordan's paper. There are some blanks filled in. Not sure how she got them cause she definitely wasn't paying attention to the lecture, she just watched me. I flip the paper back over to admire her artwork. I didn't expect such a beautiful piece to come from her.

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