It's Just A Class

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Jae Nolan~ Red head, 18yrs old, 5'9", almost fully covered in tattoos, muscular. Your everyday bad girl that can hold her alcohol well, sex addict, and doesn't have a great relationship with her parents. She gets away with whatever she want. Until it comes to that Human anatomy class. She is quick to rage, not many can clam her.

Aleah Dirks~ Brown hair, 25yrs old, 5'5", 3 yrs of teaching, and a good relationship with her parents. She has never met anyone with an attitude like Jae in her years of teaching. Dirks is a very calm, laid back, respected person. Until she meets Jae. Jae gives her little to no respect.

At first they dread to see each other, but what makes that change?

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