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Aph looks outside, and her eyes widen. "Alina, go upstairs and hide. Now."
Alina then sprints upstairs and calls Souta when she's hidden. "Souta, my mom is being extremely weird, and I don't know why! It's like she knows him or something."

Meanwhile, downstairs Aph goes outside to confront Hunter.
"What do you want with my daughter?” She says you go to her school." Aph asks sternly.

Hunter looks at her, confused. "What? I was looking for my friend's house, but my google maps must have been weird because now it is directing me to the other side of town." He explains innocently.
Aph nods. "I hate when technology does that. Do you need a ride to the place? Also, what's your friend's name?"
"I restarted my app, and it's working now. Thanks for the offer, though. Also, my friend's name is Hilary, and she's from my old town, and she moved in yesterday.
"Okay, we'll have a good day." Aph waves to Hunter as he walks off, then goes back inside and to Alina's room.

"Hey Alina, he's gone now!" When there is no response from her, she gently knocks. "Alina, can I come in?" When there's no response again, she sighs. "Alina, I'm coming in." She walks in and walks to her closet and immediately notices that she's exhibiting the same actions that Aaron does when he has an anxiety attack. She quickly pulls her into a hug. "Shh…"
Alina keeps shaking. Aph looks her in the eyes softly. "Do you want me to call Souta?" She asks.

She points to her phone, showing that Souta is on a call already.
Aph nods. "Okay, do you want him to come over?"
Alina nods, still deep in her anxiety attack.
"Souta, I'd like you to come to see Alina."
"Okay, Mrs. Lycan, I need to ask my mother."

Alina lets out a whine,
"I know, pumpkin..." Souta goes to his mother, "m-mom
"Yes, bud?" "my friend is having an anxiety attack and needs me to calm down
"Alright, go ahead, bud." "Thank you, mama. Will KC and her daughter be home soon?”
"Yea, they're on their way home.”
"Okay, I love you, mom."
"Love you, bubba

With nekoette

Nekoette is mad at Kc for taking her away from Andriette. "Mom, I told you I was on a date. Why did you get me?
Zane sighs. "I'm sorry, sweetie. We had an evil man, and it scared us, and we wanted you to be safe."

She grumbles, "I guess I forgive you. Just this day is something Andriette and I have planned for months.
She crosses her arms. "I missed her."
Kc nods. "We know, and we are so sorry, but we just want you safe."
"Okay, I understand." She calls Andriette
Andriette answers. "Hi…"
"Hey, baby." She smiles. "It was a false alarm."

"What do you mean, false alarm?
"The emergency was a false alarm
"So you're coming back?
"Is there still a threat, though? I want you safe if there is, but I also wanna see you again."

"No, there isn't a threat
"I'll hopefully come back
"Why have you go back when we can take her back to our house? That way, your dad and I can keep you safe."

"Hey, my parents are offering you to come over. She tells Andriette.
"Alright. I'm where we were earlier.
"Or… not. I'm going to start walking towards the nearest gas station because a sketchy dude just got out of a van…" she whispers through the phone.

"Okay..." She whispered, then told her mom her location
Kc nods, driving to that gas station
"I'm at the gas station. Look for a blue SUV."

"Blue SUV… umm…" she looks around the gas station. "I don't think I see it… I'm going to go inside, and then you can come to get me.

Kc points her out. "She's right there.."
She gets out and goes into the gas station "excuse me, ma'am?
She talks to Andriette.

Andriette turns around and hugs her
"Hey, hey, I'm here, baby..." Her tail swishes, wrapping around her lover.
She holds onto her tighter. "Let's go… please…
She nods, letting go, and takes her hand, guiding her to the car
She quickly gets in.
She gets in afterward and sits with her.
"Are you okay?"

Green Creek High School |Book one| The Meeting of Souta And Alina| RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now