SᗩᐯIᑎᘜ ᒪᗩᗪY ᑎᗩᑎᗩᙏI (1)

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𝕍𝕠𝕥𝕖 - 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕖 - 𝔽𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨

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"However" she started. They quickly sit up and look at her. "However?" they asked curiously and in anticipation. "I believe I'd like to speak with them" she points to a thought bubble with M/n smiling while hugging Tomoe, and Tomoe making an annoyed face. "Clearly some of the things I assumed weren't entirely true. I'd appreciate it if you could take me to see them"

[Both]"Oh..." "Unfortunately, I fear Master Tomoe and M/n have gone--"   "--to the world over yonder"Kotetsu finished. "World over...yonder? (•   •)" 

[The world over yonder. All dark places in our realm serve as entrances. Like wells or shadows of grassy fields. Lying between ours and the netherworld is the land of the supernatural. Also known as the place in which humans are lost when they look too closely into the darkness. It coexists alongside us] "This is it?" Nanami asked as they stopped. [The world of the yokai kind!] 

"Master Tomoe!!" Onkikiri called out

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"Master Tomoe!!" Onkikiri called out. "Master M/n!!" he yelled following along. "Where are you, Master Tomoe and M/n"They started running around through the alleys yelling their name until eventually, they heard his voice telling them "Quiet you two. You're making a scene" They slid open the doors"Master Tomoe? M/n?" "Are you in here?" only to see them massaged, treated, and wooed over by women. Tomoe was now getting more Divine Sake as M/n got up and wrapped his arms around his waist hugging him. (OOOOooo is that blushing I see?)  "You wanted something?" he asked. "MASTER TOMOE!! M/N!!(TCT)"they yelled sobbing before hopping on them but M/n moved out the way. 

While they jabbered on M/n smelled something familiar. He sniffed the air. "Ara ara~"

"Leave me alone" he said nonchalantly trying to take a sipe of his Divine Sake but they wouldn't let him. "Master Tomoe, you must change immediately!" she told home. "And you, harlots, remove yourselves at once!" "WHAT?!" they all exclaimed before stomping on them. "Such impertinence from the will-o'-the-wisp children!(Ò△Ó)" "You two should leave!(Ò△Ó)" they said angrily.  M/n appeared, hugging him again. "Indeed you should"Tomoe said agreeing. 

Nanami standing in the hallway but the door hearing their whole conversation."Back you have to come back to the shrine with us!"Kotetsu exclaimed. "Lady Nanami needs you to be her familiar!" she told him. M/n didn't like the sound of that...not one bit. "Do you not care if the shrine goes to ruin?" "No, I do not care in the slightest. Good riddance, if you ask me. I no longer have to be a familiar at all. What a tedious job that was"he remarked before laying down with his back toward them, getting more Divine Sake. You sat up because he was on his side now, pouting. "So, from this day forward, I shall idle each day away, living my life as I please along with M/n"

[Onkikiri]"Master Tomoe!" [Kotetsu]"We are here for Lady Nanami!" [Onkikiri]"She stated she wished to see you guys again" "So she has come over with us"Kotetsu said as she was now in the doorway with a mad face. "What?" he questioned sitting up. His eyes widen in shock. M/n's was just..eehhh a little hint of jealousy and not surprised expression, he just blankly looked at her. "I do regret coming, though. You're disgusting. I don't understand how you could just abandon that shrine like it was nothing. YOU'RE SO SELFISH" Her words...made M/n's blood boil...even though it wasn't towards him. "Goodbye!" she told them walking off. "Oh, Lady Nanami!" they called. He growled very low but he was caught off guard, because the two women who were treating him, started rubbing his head and messaging him again. He relaxed but just a bit. 

"WHY DID YOU BRING HER?" Tomoe asked angrily. "She insisted; we could not deny her!"Onkikiri said shivering. "I do not care what she insisted! Why the hell would you bring a human here?!" "Lady Nanami is no ordinary human being, though. She's the land god. Remember?"Kotetsu stated also shivering. "WHICH MAKES IT EVEN WORSE!"


Nanami walked aimlessly, walking back home. "How could he even say that after acting so self-righteous to me?" {"No, I do not care in the slightest"} Walks faster. "Well good riddance to him, then!💢(▼△▼💢)"
She then bumped into something..or more like..someone. She fell to the ground. She looked up to see three Yokai in front of her. "Hey there, Missy" "We know you. You're that human girl they say became the new land god at the Mikage Shrine" "A heard Mikage quit being a land god and found a replacement but I had no clue you'd be, so--" "Delicious and tasty looking"the big one said. "AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!(@凸@)" 

"I CANT RESIST!" the big one said about to attack. "IM GONNA GOBBLE YOU UP STARTING EITH YOUR HEAD!" the other said. Nanami screamed as they were about to attack she heard a commotion. She looked up to see the three fighting over who was gonna eat her. "Lady Nanamiii!"Onkikiri and Kotetsu then swept her up and ran. They weren't just scared of Nanami getting eaten...but something else because they were shivering. 

 The three instantly stopped and noticed she was gone. "Where do you think you're going?" the big one said as they chased them, mostly to get Nanami. 

M/n just couldn't calm down after what she said. Tomoe had left to uh..save her. He stopped suddenly appearing in front of the three yokai. "Why if it isn't master Tomoe" one of them said. "I don't suppose you'd mind if we ate that scrumptious looking human girl, would you?" the other suggested. "We'd appreciate it if you didn't get in our way"the big one told him with a grin. "Why ask me? You didn't need my content" Tomoe said. "Seriously?! You don't mind?" "Wow! Thank You!" they said as their eyes widen in excitement. "Although, I am in an unbelievably, terrible mood right now" he told them with a dark aura. "EEEEHHHH" they let out, all hovering in fear. "AAHHRRRGGgg!!" they were sliced into bits. 

'A helpless girl with the powers of a land god. Figuratively speaking, she is like a duck that brought along its own pot and leeks' "Not that it is any of my business" he grinned and then frowned. "I better go see what M/n is doing...seem a little off-[eyes widen]"a huge gust of wind wooshed passed him. He quickly turned to see who it was and...it was m/n.

'Maybe someone made him mad again' he thought and walked off but still felt like something was wrong.

I hope you enjoyed! Bye mini dumplings!

I hope you enjoyed! Bye mini dumplings!

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