20. Pandemic

477 57 35

March 2020


March 11. Coronavirus: Over 1,000 Cases Now In U.S., And 'It's Going To Get Worse,' Fauci Says (National Public Radio)

The coronavirus outbreak has now infected more than 1,000 people in nearly 40 U.S. states — and the country's top authority on infectious diseases says things will only get worse. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warns that the number of cases of the COVID-19 viral disease will continue to grow because containment measures and contact tracing have failed to prevent community spread of the virus.

"Is the worst yet to come, Dr. Fauci?" Rep. Carolyn Maloney, chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, asked Fauci on Wednesday.

"Yes, it is," Fauci replied.

"What are you reading?" I heard the sweet voice I had been waiting to hear all morning. Despite the grim signs of a viral outbreak that had confounded even the highest ranked Infectious Diseases expert in the country, I couldn't help but smile when I looked up at the senior resident approaching me in the hallway, just outside the oncology ward. Madi had been on overnight call there, and I had just finished seeing patients in the afternoon Infectious Diseases clinic.

"A report on Dr Fauci's address to some government folks. Are you heading somewhere?"

"To get some coffee."

"I'll come with you," I told her and put my phone away. 

She tilted her head, questioning, "Since when have you started liking coffee?"

"I don't. I like you," I rasped.

Her cheeks instantly flushed with a rosy hue. As if her emotions painted themselves across her face, revealing the depth of her feelings, even if she never voiced them in return.

"You know, if you keep blushing like this every time I say something to you, I might have to switch my ID rotation with the oncology one."

"I don't know, Omar," she smiled, "I still keep thinking you'll decide to switch back to surgery one of these days. Which I would support you in, if that's what you wanted."

I told her the truth. "I live and breathe Medicine now, thanks to this inspiring senior resident I know. And I think I am getting pretty good at it too" 

"You're good at everything you do. But are you sure about Medicine?" she asked doubtfully, and not for the first time. 

"As sure as I am about making you my wife, Dr Ahmed."

She shook her head and softly laughed, the perfect melody to end one's work day. "If you're done flirting, I need to tell you something important."

Sure, her 'something important' piqued my interest but she looked so breathtakingly beautiful with her rosy cheeks and a shy smile that adorned her full lips, I found myself tucking away her loose curls. 

"Abhi tou ishq ka aghaaz hoya hai Madi. Abhi se thak gai ho?"

(The journey of love has just started. Have you already gotten tired?)

She blushed a deeper crimson, and if there was anything left of my heart it completely melted away when she said, in her hushed American accented voice, "Ishq hi ki tou baat karni hai, Omar." Then she had my full attention. 

(Its love I wanted to talk to you about)

"Kya baat?"

"I told my parents about you."

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