36. The Plan

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June 2020


"Oh we can pull it off," Sehr insisted. 

"Totally, Omar bhai," Maliha backed up her new friend. "I even spoke to Madi's friend Noor and her husband Salman. They are both on board. Plus I've already asked Abu and he said he was ok with it, but needed to ask Mama." Se chuckled, "We all know that that means."

"Don't worry, about our parents either. I dropped a hint earlier today and they seemed very agreeable with our plan," Sehr told her. 

Maliha gave a thumbs up, "Great! So, now all that is left is calling our relatives and friends. Easy peasy."

"So everyone is already on board?"

"Yes!" they both exclaimed. 

They started discussing logistics while I sat there still amazed at the audacious plan. It sounded like a herculean feat, yet I couldn't also help but acknowledge that they had devised the swiftest route for me to be with Madi. Not just transcend mere societal acceptance of us as a couple; but be able to savor the delicate touch of her softness as the final sensation before drifting into sleep, and awakening to the vision of her beautiful face.

By every measure, those moments of simple pleasure were not the ultimate goal for any couple. Yearning for them before marriage was even frowned upon. Yet, I'd be lying if I said I didn't crave them anyway. Call me impatient but to begin and end my day with Madi in my arms wasn't something I was willing to wait for.  

Madi! Suddenly, I sat up. 

"Uh hey, ladies. Aren't you forgetting someone who isn't onboard yet?"

Their faces twitched, eyes widened, sheets of paper ruffled in the background as they looked over their lists. One shrugged, the other asked, "Who did we forget?"

I slapped my forehead. This did not bode well for their planning abilities.  

"Dulhan nahi ho gi tou shaadi kiss se karoun ga?" (Who will I marry if there is no bride?)

"Ohh right..." said my sister.

"Yikes, we forgot her," said Madi's sister. 

They were back to talking over each other, discussing who and how they should convince Madi of their plan. "She's quite a rule follower, you know," Maliha said. 

"That's not good. This wedding will be highly unconventional. What if she doesn't agree?" Sehr asked. 

Clearly, neither knew Madi the way I did."I'll ask her."


It was early morning for us in Karachi, and would have been evening in Chicago, when I finally managed to get a hold of her. 

"I was just thinking about you," she said in that soft voice that instantly melted me inside, making me wish that teleportation had been invented already. 

"Thinking about me as the intern...oorrr...as the guy you are head-over-heels in love with?" I pried. I thought about her all the time, and wasn't shy about telling her that, but she hadn't been so forthcoming lately. 

Her soft laughter resonated across the room I had grown up in, and I found myself yearning to witness those charming freckles dancing on her sculpted cheeks and capture that gleam in her eyes that always accompanied her laughter, regardless of how terrible my jokes were.

How would I ever wait for another 6 months if she didn't agree? The thought crossed my mind, but I ignored it. 

"Dr Khan, I have no idea what you are talking about. Who is head-over-heels in love with who?" she chuckled. "I was just looking over next month's call schedule for the second year residents. I hope your flight comes back without any delays, because I am not sure I will be able move around anyone else to cover your shifts."

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