Sort of.. any way

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Credits to lovely ginny ;)

Disclaimer: Please do not sue. Takeshi konomi owned Prince of tennis and its characters. I only owned this side story.


There was a cat and the cat was watching her with narrow, unblinking eyes. Sakuno made a small "hmmph" noise. She wasn't going to be beat by a cat! Determination boiled within and she stared right back at the cat, doing her very best not to blink. The cat stared back at her, the expression in its eyes bored. While Sakuno's eyes began to water and feel dry as the contest continued, the cat wondered what sort of sane person held staring contests with animals. Sakuno bit her lip; her eyes were starting to hurt. The urge to blink became extremely powerful and Sakuno was beginning to be put into a small sort of trance.


"Kyaaaa!" Sakuno shrieked, jumped up forward and blinked. She blinked rapidly several more times and rubbed her eyes. Sakuno then turned to the person who had broken her match with the cat.

A purring sound caught her ears and Sakuno noticed the cat was now rubbing itself against the foot of... Ryoma-kun?

"Ryoma-kun!" Sakuno gasped, her face immediately turning a slight pink color. "Ano..." She paused, and her fingers began to twiddle by themselves as they always did when Sakuno was feeling abashed. She wondered what she should say and ran a few conversations quickly through her mind.

"What are you doing here?" Sakuno finally asked. When she asked however, Ryoma was already starting to walk away. Sakuno sighed. "Oh darn," she said to herself, a mournful look on her face. She just had a chance to talk to Ryoma too! Sakuno pouted and headed back towards the park, her original destination.


"Kyaaaa!" Sakuno shrieked again, jumping up. Her heart beat rapidly from the shock. She spun around, her braids whipping fast through the air with her spin. Her hands were clutching at her chest, and her brown eyes were big and doe-eyed.

"Ohayo, Sakuno-chan, right?" Momo grinned at her; he put his hands in the shape of a gun and pointed it towards Sakuno. "Boo!" He said again, teasingly.

"Ohayo, Momoshirou-senpai," Sakuno greeted quietly, her eyes straying to the side. She felt a bit nervous. She didn't dislike Momo or anything, but she always felt nervous around all of the regulars, and well, people who she wasn't friendly with in general. Sakuno, since preschool, had always been one of the quieter, more timid students.

Momo raised his eyebrows. "Momoshirou-senpai?" he repeated. He laughed at Sakuno and patted the shorter girl on the head. "Our little cheerleader doesn't have to be so formal," he mock lectured. "Momo-senpai will do!"

"Mo-mo-sen-pai," Sakuno said slowly. She looked up at Momo, who was grinning at her maniacally. "What is it?" Sakuno asked nervously when she saw the Cheshire grin on his face. Suddenly, her stomach didn't feel so good when she got a good glance of his toothy grin.

"You like Ryoma, don't you Sakuno-chan?" Momo asked slyly.

Sakuno's face went through a variety of different shades of red. "R-Ryoma-kun?" she uttered. "Uhh... er... Ano..." Sakuno stared at her shoes. Her cheeks were flaming and she felt a bit faint. Why was Momo, of all people, who she hardly ever talked to, asking her a question such as that? It was much too personal by Sakuno's standards, but she wasn't quite sure how to escape...

"Shut up, Momo-senpai." A hand came out of nowhere and pushed Momo out of the scene. Ryoma glared at Momo, Karupin still purring at his feet.

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