What it Feels Like

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credits to my new lovely fave author JungHana :)

What It Feels Like

It was his senpai's fault, all his fault. Momoshiro senpai had shared with him some intriguing information and Ryoma simply could not ignore these thoughts that plagued him anymore.

'Tch, a kiss. I was doing just fine before he asked me if I'd ever kissed before. I'm fifteen! Of course I'd have kissed-Karupin on his head, yes. What is this? It doesn't let me concentrate on the task at hand-Tennis.'

Although the Tennis Prince willed himself to concentrate on the game with one of the regulars, he couldn't seem to help himself from thinking as to how a kiss felt, not that he required to concentrate on a match such as this, none of the regulars could match up to their Buchou's experience or skill in the game.

He knew that if this continued, he would berate himself endlessly for over a week. Something had to be done, and some things had to be found out, this meant he'd have to meet his Data Collecting senpai.

Sighing, Ryoma walks out of the Senior High building, trudging towards the courts as he does so. What he hadn't expected was to be utterly tempted to experience how a kiss felt after his little chat with Inui. He only intended to find out how it felt theoretically and pay no mind to it after.

However, he now faced an even worse predicament as his male hormones were slowly oozing their way out of the compartment he'd so carefully sealed.

'Tennis ought to help take my mind of the gnawing sensation I feel. Che, what a pain..'thought he as he kept his poker face and made his way to the game he'd been itching to play ever since his talk with his senpai.

As sweat trickled down his well- toned body and his regular jersey stuck to him like second skin, the Seigaku Tennis Captain decided he had had enough of a work out after taking on the rest of the regulars that afternoon. Heading to the changing rooms, he intended to wash off all the sensations from his body and mind, especially the curiosity he'd been harbouring for a while now.

He sighed contented as he felt hot water make its way down his body and loosen all the knots his muscles had contorted into, he finally felt at ease with himself and his thoughts as he found himself slightly back on track.

Stepping out of the shower and putting on his pants, he turned around with his towel over his head in an attempt to wipe off stray droplets of water when he heard a muffled gasp coming from one side of the room. With excellent reflexes and sharp golden eyes, he pinned the intruder to the wall closest to the person and hissed irritably. Another gasp was elicited from the form trapped between him and the wall and he found his Cat like eyes widening as they were met with a surprised and highly flushed face of the person he least wanted to see-Ryuzaki Sakuno.

"R-Ryoma-kun, I'm so sorry, I never intended to walk in on y-you in this manner. I simply thought of borrowing some equipment for the girls' changing room has been locked" said she, as she desperately tried to contain her heart beat within healthy range. At the sound of her sweet, soft voice, all the thoughts he was so close to getting rid of came rushing back to him as he could feel their intermingled breaths.

"Ryuzaki.." was all he could say as he stared at her beautiful face. She'd grown over the past two years-no longer an extremely shy personality, but one that can stand her ground and was also a formidable opponent if one were to play her in a tennis match. She was now the vice-captain of the Girls' Tennis Club.

However, what Ryoma noticed most was the change in a her gait, she was no longer the klutz she used to be and was quite graceful, complemented by those curves and creamy skin.. He held a little amount of respect for the girl and was quite fond of her. He did not wish to make her hate him by doing anything untoward.

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