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⚠️ Mature content , abuse and other disturbing contents is used ⚠️

⚠️ Mature content , abuse and other disturbing contents is used ⚠️

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The Devil Within - Digital Daggers ♪

𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 : 𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚗 𝟸:𝟻𝟿 𝙰𝙼

In the middle of the dark room , there's a man in his fourties , his hands and legs tied to the metal chair with chains

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In the middle of the dark room , there's a man in his fourties , his hands and legs tied to the metal chair with chains. There was another chair placed infront that man. The man was unconscious , blood dripping down his forehead , numerous cuts and marks on his body. The only source of light in that room was from the LED bulb hanging from the ceiling in the centre of the room. On one side of the room , there was a table and cupboard with different kinds and varieties of tourturing tools. Soon some mens opened the metal door of that dark and scary room and lines themselves in one corner. By the look of them , they're probably the guards. Soon some sounds of someone's heels clicking can be heard. The sound become more louder and then the door got opened by a man , well built body and about 6" high. He was followed by another two males and a woman. The woman had a special mask on while the three males weared a simple black mask. The woman went infront of the unconscious man and sat on the chair infront of him accompanied by the three males standing on each side and back of her , folding their hands on their back. She seemed like the boss , infact she is..... THE BOSS. She signalled one of the guards something and the guard soon came back with two buckets of ice cold water and splashed it on the unconscious man. Feeling the cold water running through his body , the man flinched and jolted up his head to look infront. His tired eyes turned into the size of moon once he saw the person infront of him , not the person , just by seeing the mask , he confirmed himself in mind that his time on earth is going to end soon. Who is that person that the old man had already confirmed his death upon seeing the mask? She is the one and only-

Seeing the trembling man in front of her , the woman let out a pyscotic laugh which send shivers down the spine of the man and even the guards and the three man standing beside her. Few drops of sweat rolled down from the chained man's forehead out of fear. She had that psychotic grin more like a smirk on her face.

" Well well well ........ look who we have here...... "

She spoke. Her voice sounded like the demon itself is speaking. She intensely stared at the half dead man in front of her and continued.

" Finally .... finally after years of searching , I found one of the pests... "

She paused and leaned to her front , one hand on her knees , other grabbing the man's chin harshly.

"...... one of the pests who tried to destroy my family "

She chuckled evilly letting go of that man and leaned back on the chair raising left leg and placed it on her chair and left hand on her raised leg's knee.

" I know you are confused right now and have a lot of questions in your mind....... but I don't have time to do a questionnaire here. Count your last seconds of earth Choi. Before you die , let me tell you the reason of your death. It's simple. You ruined my life. "

She leaned in and whispered something in the man's ears making his eyes widen by her each word. She leaned back smirking and continued

" By now I hope you find out who I am. And you know that those who found my real identity is no more in this world. "

She took out her gun from her waist and played it with her fingers , rotating and doing tricks like a professional.

" Do you know ..... " she looked in the eyes of the man " .... that people sometimes call me Devil? You know why?!?! Cause I'm the devil itself. And now it's time for you to say goodbyeye to the world and me to finish this shit and get some beauty sleep. Be lucky you're getting a fast death. I'm not in a mood to torture you." she yawned lightly. " Anyways.....goodbye old man. "

Within a second a bullet pierced through the man's head creating a big hole , blood flooding from it.

" Clean everything. I don't want to see even a drop of blood here. "

Ordering her men's , she walked out of the room followed by the three males.

" Now mission one success. Here I'm coming my sweet bed. "

The girl said almost singing making the three men laugh out loud at the girl's cuteness.

" You know , you looked like a devil a few seconds ago and now you're looking like a small cute little teddy bear "

One of the men said and the other two agreed. " Whatever " rolling her eyes at their statement , she left the building followed by the other three.

 " Whatever " rolling her eyes at their statement , she left the building followed by the other three

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Edited ~ Sage

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