Chapter 22

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

Thankfully it was a Saturday so Dome didn't need to open his office. He didn't need to attend to any tenant complains or any requests or calls from them.

After he had hurled his phone across the room, Pavel did not try to call to ask why Dome had called him.

Dome knew however that he had to call Pavel again, to give him the courtesy of a thank you for taking care of him last night and this morning.

Maybe I should just text him, Dome was thinking. That way he wouldn't have to deal with hearing Pavel calling him 'sweetheart'. Dome did not want Pavel or anyone for that matter using the word 'sweetheart' loosely. For Dome the word 'sweetheart' should only be used if someone meant it sincerely. If it was used just to flirt with someone, Dome was actually turned off by it because for Dome it meant that the other person using the word loosely was someone who couldn't be trusted, someone who would just play with his emotions... the way Tae had played with his.

Dome picked up his phone from the floor of his bedroom where it was still lying after he had hurled it across the room.

Thank you for bringing me back to my unit last night and for the soup that you brought in for me. Your kindness is very much appreciated.

It was my pleasure. Is there anything else that I can do for you?

You have done more than enough. Thank you again.

Don't you need a ride to go back to the restaurant to pick up your car?

Oh shit, Dome had forgotten about picking up his car from the restaurant parking lot.

I will just call for a taxi to take me there.

No need to call a taxi. I am free this morning. I can take you there.

I really don't want to put you to any more trouble.

It will be no trouble at all. Wait for me. I'll come knocking on your door right now.

Shit, Pavel was like a tornado that could not be stopped. He just came barging into Dome's life and Dome somehow didn't have the power to prevent himself from getting entangled with Pavel.

In less than a minute Pavel was buzzing on Dome's front door.

"Let's go," Pavel said without any preliminaries when Dome opened the door.

Dome found himself following Pavel to the apartment building parking lot.

"How's your head?" Pavel asked Dome.

For some weird reason, Dome found himself blushing. Somehow Dome could feel that Pavel's eyes were roaming to a place that he shouldn't be looking at.

"My head still hurts but not as much as when I first woke up," Dome replied as he followed Pavel to his SUV.

Soon they arrived at the restaurant parking lot and Pavel stopped his car near the spot that Dome had parked his car yesterday evening.

"Thanks for the ride," Dome said before getting off Pavel's SUV.

"Wait," Pavel said, grabbing Dome by the wrist. "For as long as we're here, why don't I treat you to lunch."

Dome was about to say 'no, thanks' when he happened to see Tae's car approaching from the other entrance of the parking lot. His heart shot up to his throat when he noticed that there was someone in Tae's passenger seat.

Dome quickly got back inside Pavel's SUV.

"Yes, Pavel, I would like to accept your offer to treat me to lunch, but not at this restaurant. I'm tired of Italian food. Let's go to a Thai restaurant instead," Dome said quickly settling back into Pavel's passenger seat and fastening his seat belt.

Pavel had not failed to notice Tae's car approaching as well. Pavel recognized the person sitting inside Tae's car. It was Pavel's boss, Tee Jarujitranon.

So as not to embarrass Dome, Pavel pretended that he did not see Tae's car. Pavel drove his SUV quickly out of the restaurant parking lot.

"Did you want to eat at that Thai restaurant inside the mall food court?" Pavel asked as he eased his SUV into the street.

"Any Thai restaurant will do," Dome answered, his voice catching in his throat.

Pavel drove towards the mall where he knew there was a Thai booth in the mall food court.

Pavel however did not get out of his SUV after he had found a spot to park his car. He turned off the engine and then turned to Dome.

"Hey, look," he said. "You can cry on my shoulder. That's what my shoulders are here for."

"You saw them, too?" Dome asked in surprise.

Pavel nodded.

"Come here," Pavel said, pulling Dome's face down to nestle on his shoulder. "Have a good cry."

"I hate him! I hate him! I just fucking hate him!" Dome said over and over as he sobbed into Pavel's broad and sturdy shoulder.

Pavel did not say a word but just gently ran his hand up and down Dome's back to comfort him and let him know that he was there to give him emotional support.

Then when Dome's tears subsided, Dome raised his face from Pavel's shoulder.

"Will you accept a comfort kiss?" Pavel asked Dome.

Dome hesitated at first, then slowly moved his face closer to Pavel's.

The kiss started gently enough. Then Pavel deepened the kiss and soon it turned passionate and Dome found himself clinging to Pavel's back, digging his fingernails into the broad muscles as he found himself returning Pavel's kisses.

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