Semester Startover

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A/N: This will not be illustrated, as it is extra material cut from the series. I've decided to publish the chapter however. It is entirely canon, and shows the beginning of the next semester that Sarah had to begin alone. You can read if you'd like!

I promise the next chapter will be illustrated for sure!! I just figured I'd rather post these than completely leave them out haha!

Let me know if you enjoy illustrations more, writing more, or enjoy both equally!

Sarah's Point of View

The first day of spring semester eventually rolled around. After two months of not having her around, it hurt to even think about getting back into the schedule of school.

First off, she was the only one who knew how to deal with my first day of school jitters. She was supposed to be there with me in our classes. Now her empty seat would just be filled by a random student who was waitlisted for the class.

Second off, how was I supposed to do anything that usually involved my sister without actually having her around? If I was scared, who would I talk to? If I couldn't answer a question when I got called on, who would whisper it to me to make sure I wouldn't blank out, melt down and dart out in the worst case scenario?

Third off, I didn't want to talk to anyone. I wasn't interested in getting to know anyone or talking with them. Mia and Calvin weren't Emily. I only wanted my sister.

So that first day of class, I pushed myself to throw on a sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers. All I could do about the giant webbed knot of grease and inseparable tangles was attempt to run my fingers through and tie it back as best I could with a rubber band. A hood would cover it anyway.

I went to the twenty-four hour coffee shop, our cafe, but ordered online so I wouldn't have to say anything. I just picked it up on the side, ready with my name on it. I wished so badly that Emily was there beside me with her own order, talking to distract me from my nerves.

Finally I showed up to my first class. I was so tense and jittery, I almost couldn't find the will to walk in.

What if the professor called on me and I didn't know what to say?

What if I embarrassed myself in front of other people?

I sat in the back, the lump in my throat suffocating me as I tried to contain it. Tears welled in my eyes at the idea of starting school and getting work I might not understand.

"We're gonna rock this school!"

"Why are you talking like you're in an early 2000's kid's movie?"

"Why are you asking me that like we're not actual children from the 2000's at the moment?"

"Eighteen isn't a child, and we're starting college."

"Eighteen still has teen in it, so we're basically children starting college, just like the other folks."

That made me break down in the beginning of class, before we even got to introductions. I tried to keep my sniffling and sobs as quiet as I could, but people could obviously tell I wasn't okay. Why did my brain have to do this to me?

"Tell me what we are doing this second first day of classes in a college year."

"Emily, that syllabus says- the professor's tone- what if she hates my stuff?"

"What are we doing? Rocking it."

"Em... that's so dorky. Why?"

"ROCKING IT. You're rocking it, I'm rocking it. We'll rock these classes together, dork."

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