The Confession

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Hey Guys this is chapter three and I hope that you all will like it also I'm really happy that you guys are reading my story. It gives me a lot of motivation anyway let's go onto the third chapter.

*...she eats something but than her parents tell her to bring her iPad upstairs but Luna refuses to bring it upstairs. Luna's father yells at her that she needs to bring it upstairs to them but she's scared to do that because she knows that her parents are gonna look through it. Even tho she's scared she brings it upstairs to them and than walks down into her room not saying anything.*

Luna's mind: Why did my parents want my iPad...? What if they look through it...?! God damn it...!! Why did I bring it to them...?! I'm so stupid sometimes...!! But wait I still have my phone so I can still join them over my phone but what if my parents find out about it...? I don't care about that I just wanna talk to them.

*She turns her phone on and opens discord. As she opens discord she sees a lot of messages from Emma and Ethan so Luna reads the messages first before she goes onto the server. Luna notices that they both are still on the call which they all started together but as she joins she hears them talking about her so she just stays quiet until they notice that she is back. After a few days Ethan asks Luna if she wants to be his girlfriend and of course she says yes but two weeks later she regrets it.*

Messages between Ethan and Luna:

Ethan: Hey Luna we need to talk about us...

Luna: Did I do something wrong...?

Ethan: No but I can't handle the stress with your parents anymore....

Luna: Does that mean your breaking up with me...?

Ethan: Sadly yes but we can be friends with benefits..

Luna: *is crying on the inside but won't let the tears be seen* O-Okay....

*Luna turns her phone off and punches the wall because she thought that someone really loved her but now that thoughts are gone and she's heartbroken again. After she calmed down a little bit she changes her clothes and goes to sleep but the next day she isn't feeling good but still goes to school faking her happiness. After Emma arrives at school Luna try's to stay happy because she has the feeling that Ethan and Emma are together but she doesn't talks about it to Emma but than...*

Emma: Hey Luna, why weren't your online yesterday?

Luna: I wasn't online yesterday because I wasn't feeling that good...

Emma: Oh okay. I hope you feel better now.

Luna: Yeah I feel better now but lets go to class.

Emma: Okay.

*After they went inside they see that their classmates are all sitting in the hallway because the classroom is still locked so they wait for their teacher but Luna starts told her right hand and Emma than notices that Luna's knuckles are red, blue and purple but she didn't ask Luna about it because she wasn't really wondering how that happened. While the first two lessons were going on Luna always looked down at her right hand in hope that no one would notices her bruises on it but she didn't know that Emma already noticed it. After the first two lessons Luna and Emma walk outside and talk to each other about the anime Attack on Titan but some minutes later...*

Emma: Luna I have a question...

Luna: Okay?

Emma: Why are your knuckles red, blue and purple..?

Luna: Oh I probably hit a wall while I was sleeping.

Emma: Well that could have happened but I think you punched a wall on purpose...

Luna: Why are you thinking that...?

Emma: It's quiet obvious...

Luna: Really..?

Emma: Yes. You weren't online yesterday and normally your always online so I already thought that something happened between you and Ethan but if I'm wrong than tell me.

Luna: Okay, fine. You got. I punched a wall and I wasn't online yesterday because Ethan broke up with me.....

Emma: Oh. So I'm right..?

Luna: Yes...

Emma's mind: should I tell her that me and Ethan are together or not...? I think she wouldn't accept it yet... so it's better to still keep it a secret.

*Luna walks away from Emma as she has the feeling that Emma is not telling her something. After school they both wait for their bus to arrive so they can go home but Luna is listening to music while she is waiting for her bus. After she got home she goes into her room and lays down on her bed as she is feeling pretty tired and suddenly she falls asleep and won't wake up for the whole afternoon. In the evening Luna's mom gets home from work and wakes her up. After Luna got out of bed they both walk upstairs so they can all eat dinner but Luna walks straight into the bathroom and takes a quick shower so she's back in the front when dinner is ready. But soon she's not feeling hungry anymore but she doesn't know why. So her parents force her to eat something but what happens next is shocking....*

To be continued....

Hey guys sorry that it took so long but I didn't have any motivation to finish this chapter but now I did and thanks to my jealousy because it helped me finish this. I hope you guys liked it. (Words 934)

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