2 months later...

"Hey Kol I'm back, I got you something" exclaimed Laura as she walked into the Mikaelson family house heading to her and Kol's room 

"Kol? Hello are you there?Kol" 

before she could say anything else she felt someone behind her she quickly turned around before dropping to the ground


Location: New Orleans Cemetery

"What the hell is going on" muttered Laura as she slowly stirred awake

"Hello Laura" uttered an unknown voice

"Phesmatos Incendia" Quietly muttered Laura but nothing happened

"Aww dear your magic doesn't work yeah that would be my fault didn't want you to kill me before I told you what I had to say anyways shut up and listen" 

"Rude bitch" Said Laura

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that anyways, you for some reason as valuable to the mikaelsons and I need their help so if you would be kind enough and tell me where Klaus is that would be very appreciated"

"I'm not telling you were Nik is"

"I know you were going to say thats why I had this planned" said the mysterious witch as she quietly muttered a spell 

as Laura realized what she had done she screamed "Oh you bitch your that shallow huh"

"Tell me where Klaus is!!" 


"well then let's get this party started" said the witch as she grabbed a chair and broke it and stabbed Laura in the stomach

"Wanna tell me where he is now"

"I'll never tell you"

"fine by me I have other ways to find out"


Location: Mikaelson House 

Kol walked into the Mikaelson house calling Laura but she didn't answer so he called her phone, a few seconds later Laura answered 

"Hey Babe where are you"

"Well well if it isn't Kol Mikaelson"

"Who's this?"

"Not important, Tell me where Klaus is or I'm gonna kill your wife"

"Lies you dont have her"

"Oh really, hey cupcake why dont you assure your husband that your here with me" said the witch as she crouched down to Laura and pushed the phone closer to her face

"Aww you dont wanna tell him well OK" 

a few seconds later Laura screams in agony then realizes that Kol is still on the phone "Kol NO dont do this I'm fine"

"She isn't fine really, she has 1 stake on her stomach, 1 on each leg and 1 in her back"

"Kol I'm fine dont tell her where Nik is"

"If he doesn't bring Klaus to me I'll kill you"

"Kol dont do this" said Laura before she started screaming in agony once again 

"ALRIGHT STOP, I'll bring Klaus just stop hurting her"

"Fine by me but I want Klaus by tonight at 10, If I dont have him by then cupcake dies" said the witch as she ended the call

"Your a bitch"

"oh honey I know"


2 hours later still at the cemetery, Laura heard a scream, the witch immediately turned to Laura and shouted "What THE HELL is going on out there

"bitch I dont know I've been in this hell hole with you for hours, go find out yourself "

"Stay here"

"First of all I couldn't move even if I wanted to bitch second I'm not a dog"

before Laura could complete the witch left 

"She is so rude"

A few minutes later Laura felt the vervain get stronger and also steps of someone coming closer who wasn't the witch bitch or Kol it was.................


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