15.Main Reason

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That night,Sana finally wake up and looking for her baby..So,Momo who been taking care of her now can give her to Sana. "He or She?" Sana asked.

"She." Momo smiles and Sana heaved a sigh. "At least , she's just fine.." Sana caressing her daughter head and breastfeeding her. "Anyway,..do you see Tzuyu?" Sana asked.

"This morning,after she said she going to make a comfy bed for your baby,she just gone and I didn't saw her till now." Momo replied and Sana started to worry. "Tell me if she's back soon."


At the other side,

Chaeyoung know where Tzuyu at...She's in the basement where she create a lot of tool by herself and sometimes Chaeyoung or Dahyun help along.

"Finally!It's done." Tzuyu sweating too much after making a bed for a baby.. "Tch..you really work hard for the baby..What is she to you?Don't tell me because you like Sana?" Chaeyoung smirk and Tzuyu suddenly stop.

She didn't say anything making Chae somehow felt guilty for asking such a question like that.

"What you say again?" Tzuyu now looking at Chaeyoung and the latter startled then waving her hands giving a sign as nothing. "I- I forgot already-"

"....You guys didn't know,what my real intention weren't you?" Tzuyu smiles while caressing the bed bar.. "Uhm..."

"Of course because i'm going to eat the baby.." Tzuyu smirk at Chaeyoung making the latter shiver and gulping in instant. "Don't be such an idiot there..." Tzuyu sigh and bring the bed she create back to the room.

When she arrive,she saw Sana finally woke up.

"Tzuyu!" Sana look at her in worried. "What's wrong?Something happened?" Tzuyu asked and when Sana saw what Tzuyu brought back she just smiled and sigh. "Nothing...I just- wanna see you." Sana said.

"...I'm here now..." Tzuyu smiles and Chaeyoung slowly get near to Momo. " Actually,Tzuyu gonna eat the baby.." She whisper to her making Momo widened her eyes. "Wha-!Is she a zombie or cannibal?!" Momo whisper back.

When Chaeyoung about to say something,

Tzuyu throw a sandal on her direction hitting on her faces. "Auch!"

"Stop saying shit,or i'll making you as a dinner for those zombies tonight." Tzuyu said and get closer to Sana. "Is she sleeping?" She asked and Sana chuckled.

"You idiot!Can't you see she's drinking her mother milk?!" Chaeyoung said and glare at her and Tzuyu did the same. "She'll be sleeping after this don't worry." Sana said.

"Anyway,what you gonna name her?" Tzuyu asked while sitting on the chair. "Hurm...what should I name her huh?What do you think,suit her Tzuyu?Why don't we think about it together?Cause I have no idea now." Sana asked.

"Wah let me join too!" Chaeyoung and Momo coming at the side and they happily thinking about the name. "For me,I would name her Seyoung." Momo said proudly and Chaeyoung frown at her.

"Wasn't her name sounds like me?" Chaeyoung said and Momo humming. "Well- I just name her cause Sana name started with S and I can't think of any other name anymore." Momo shrugged.

"Well...if it me,..I- would like to name her,..Satzu." Chaeyoung smirk. "You definitely going to be a dinner for those zombies outside tonight,shorty cub." Tzuyu give her a smiles and Sana just chuckled with their interaction.

"So,how about you Tzuyu?"

".......S..Sullyoon?" Tzuyu said and Chaeyoung making a sound. "Wuuuuuuuu~~Nice name..But Sana should decide about it." Chae said.

"Well- I guess,Sullyoon name sounds good too..I guess,I'll name her as Sullyoon." Sana said and Chaeyoung gasped. "How about her surename?Should we use Park or Minatozaki-"

"I don't mind using Chou though since Tzuyu name her." Sana said while kissing her daughter head. "It would be such a honor if she using my family name." Tzuyu chuckled and Momo with Chaeyoung looking at each other.

They both nodding and just looking at the two.

"Oh- I think she finally asleep.." Sana said. "Ah let me help put her on this new bed I made for her." Tzuyu said excitedly making Sana giggle happily. "Sure.."

With that Tzuyu lifted her up slowly,just to make sure she didn't woke her up. "Now go to sleep baby Sullyoon~..Your mother also going to rest,don't crying and be a good girl,okay?" Tzuyu said in whispering while putting her slowly..

The bed was only beside Sana so it will be easily for Sana to check on her.

After that,the three of them leaving cause Sana said she wanted to go to sleep again.

When they gathering in the living room,Tzuyu notice,they been drinking alcohol. "Yow!Come here and had a drink with us." Jungyeon said and Chaeyoung immediately running. "Woah!Give me some!!" She excitedly grab the bottle but suddenly Mina take it from her hands.

"Eh???Why?" She pout and Mina heaved a sigh.

"You should't just give a shot like that..Only drink a little bit!You still younger than me.." Mina said. "Hurm...Fine."

"Now,Tzuyu...I heard both of you and Chaeyoung talking earlier..so,what was your real intention?" Dahyun asked while smoking. "first of all,..you need to stop smoking inside this place..how many time to I have to tell you??There's a baby.." Tzuyu sigh and Dahyun just laugh.

"Alright sorry...I know you so care about the baby,but I really wonder why..." Dahyun said.

".....Looks where she's been living now..This place really like a hell..She have no father,and only going to rely on her mother left...if there's no one treat her better,and teach her well,her life will be such in a misery..she need love...I just- don't want,in the end,..She felt the same as me..." Tzuyu said leaving everyone speechless.

"I understand." Dahyun then turn off her cigarettes and smiles. "You just want the baby to raise well so that she won't felt the pain the way you felt in your past?Is that so?" She asked.


"Okay then!We all going to be her aunty though..of course we will raise her well." Dahyun said and the other make a toss. "Yeah!We will never let her suffer." Momo said and Tzuyu just smiled.

"Oh one more question,..are you only care about the baby ? And how about Sana?" Chaeyoung asked a question and Tzuyu heaved a sigh. "Both."

"I just wanna know something,..What is Sana for you?" Jihyo asked and suddenly Tzuyu just went silence... "She deep in her thought now..do you think she's shy talking about that to us?" Chae whisper to Mina.

But Mina just shrug still waiting for Tzuyu answer..

"Someone..I admire to?Or someone I might be falling to,soon-?" Tzuyu said everyone almost choking on their drink. "You like Sana?!" Nayeon dhot a direct question making Jungyeon cover her mouth using her palm. "Since when did I said I like her?" Tzuyu frown at her and this time  the other lost their mind.

"I didn't said I like her..I only said,I might admire her or someone i might be fell into soon." Tzuyu shrug and Chaeyoung tried to process the words. "Hm...Tzuyu is that type of person who's hard to understand but,..I know I can understand her better more than anyone else!" Chaeyoung excitedly said.

"So now Tzuyu,a last question from me,..Do you love Sana?" .

Within this question,everyone become so surprise and nobody talk waiting for only Tzuyu to answer the question...it felt like,they got interesting to know what Sana and Tzuyu relationship.

"I'm not even hesitantly about the asnwer...so ,let the shorty talking until the same me coming out. "I thought all of you were gay.", She smirk at her own



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