Chapter 4: Snow Angel

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As soon as I walk into the final cave I spot a man mining away the iron ore deposit in the side of the entrance. I continue walking, knowing he is there, but ignoring his presence.

The man stops mining and drops his pickaxe as he looks at my blue glowing eyes.

"The Freak!" He yells. He then bolts as fast as he can out of the cave and across the snow.

"Ugh again with that word. I'm not a freak people!" I shout.

I walk out the cave flustered, but that changed as soon as I felt the snow crunch under my shoes. The morning sun was shining bright in the sky and the snow was twinkling like stars on earth. I pulled my sunglasses from my shirt and slid them over my eyes, to hide the shine and my glowing eyes.

The Over-World is such a beautiful place to me. Even after 1,800 years I'm still amazed by it. I walk along the forest of dark spruce wood trees and shiver as the brisk wind embraces my caramel skin.

As I walk a group of wolves hunt the sheep that were searching for food. As the adults hunted the pups stayed behind, wrestling in the white powder. I laughed as the naive young practiced pinning and biting each-other.

Im an only child that raised herself with the benefit of being the daughter of two of the most powerful creatures in the Over-World. Nobody wanted to mess with me except for the mobs that roam the night. I've been raised to hate humans, but how can I hate something so mysterious.

They live their lives to help each other survive the land. They are just like me. Just like us! But that one thing that ticks me off is why do they act so one minded? They always attack my people and we must survive every day and night worried about our lives because of their recklessness.

I get back into focus as I notice the pups sitting and staring at me with bewildered eyes.
Both pups have black streaks over their eyes and black paws. They look like little thieves as their pink tongues dart up and down in their mouths. The pups sat there staring at me and all I could do was smile. As I look I realize that they have collars. One red, one yellow. I bent down to see the names when I spotted a person.

I only caught a glimpse before they hid behind a tree. The pups barked and ran to the mystery human. As soon as I was sure they weren't looking I walked silently up to a tree and climbed.

I steadily crawled from branch to branch trying to get closer to the mystery human without it seeing me. As soon as I was in the tree above them I waited for the best opportunity. I waited, as soon as the human turned around I climbed down my branch and gently landed in the snow with a soft crunch.

The human let out a sigh of relief when it discovered I wasn't there, but as it turned around and saw my face it began to scream. I didn't want it alarming other humans so I covered it's mouth and closed my eyes.

"Please don't yell. I won't hurt you as long as you don't yell," I whispered quietly in its ear. I feel the human nod it's head as I held on and I let go. I opened my eyes and kept quiet.

The human was a girl. She had long hair like me, but it was as white as snow. She had pale skin and a super thin body. I kept scoping and then I came across her ice blue eyes. The shades were as if crystal clear, blue water ran through her irises and froze over a bit and was slowly unthawing.

I've never seen a person like her.
Even though she was a frail girl she had the largest chest I've ever seen. Compared to my flat chest I felt a little insecure.

She wore a fur jacket with a fleur de Lis embroidered in a gold thread on the cuffs and chest. Even the buttons were pure gold. She had to be royalty. She had a gold and diamond circlet upon her head that she hid under her hood.
I spoke first to break the awkward silence."Um, well what's up human? You probably are spooked by me. It's okay I get that a lot. So're a princess?" I ask. She nods her head gently, but no sounds.

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