Chapter 23:The Memories

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Hex's p.o.v

Of course as soon as I got home I told Leviticus about the contest.

"That man is going to be the death of me," he said.

"You're already dead Levi," I said. He took off his necklace and was back to his skeleton self.

"Technically I'm undead. Thanks to you," he said. A bunch of memories flooded into my mind.

Leviticus used to be alive I mean alive alive. He used to be a man that would do anything to provide for his family. Sadly at the time my bastard of a father was trying to teach me how to control my lust.

"Soon your lust for pain and agony will be overbearing," he said. "You'd have to kill to satisfy your need" he said. I didn't want to kill.

I don't find it alright to kill an innocent man. Why kill humans when I could kill a cow or a pig? My father thought otherwise.

We ran into Levi in a cave, mining for some iron. My father didn't even give him a painless death. He didn't even do it quickly! He toyed with Levi, driving him insane and I just stood there. I was 800 and I had seen a lot of actions in my life, but the way my father tortured the man before killing him was unlawful and what did he do after? He laughed as the man's body laid there in a pool of his own blood. I couldn't stand for it.

I walked over to him and kissed him forehead. He automatically was healed and burst to life, but with a minor repercussion. He was now a skeleton. I was too young to know how to fully grant life, I also lacked the power. The skeleton man sat there astonished. He looked at me before realizing what had happened. I threw him my Ender necklace before rushing off at the sound of my dad calling me. That was the last time I seen him in a while.

"Please just don't speak of it," I said holding my head.

"You still can't get over my death can you," he asked.

"When you see how a man gets tortured and terrorized like you did, see if you can forget it," I said.

"But you brought me back. I am and will always be forever thankful," he said placing his hand in my shoulder.

"Levi I turned you into a skeleton. How exactly is that brining you to life?" I ask.

"And I've never felt so alive being by your side," he said. I sighed and sat down on a rock.

"Levi so you know what happened after I resurrected you?" I asked.

"Honestly no. After discovering my wife cheating on me I decided to try and contact your dad to scare her a bit. After that I discover that she was dead," he said. I looked him in the eye sockets.

"I killed her. I... I didn't mean to," I said.

"So it wasn't your dad. Must've been tough with it being your first kill," he said. He sat on the other side of the rock. The memories rushed back into my head. All the screams, the seemingly endless torture, it was all too much for a 800 year old girl.

I received a massive headache as Levi placed his hand on my shoulder and snapped me back to reality.

"Don't keep all of your memories trapped in a vault. Let them out and you'll be amazed at how good you'll feel," He said. I took a deep breath and sighed.

"Well Levi I've never have had a good experience in the ice kingdom. 400 years before I met you I was known as the 'Dark One'. Rumor was automatically spread around that I want Herobrine's daughter. I was being hunted for as soon as I was born. My family has had to move several times on the account of me. Then one day everything came crashing down," I said.

"Hex I never knew," he said.

"Of course you didn't know no one knows," I said. I started getting angry, "can we stop this please?" I ask. Levi nodded and scooted closer to me.

"Hex I used to be an ice man as you already know and I have completed the challenge without error. Let me prepare you for this," he asked.

"Levi that was a long time ago. Things change," I said.

"Things may change, but the overall gist is the same. Ice people like to stay connected to tradition," he said.

I smiled," thanks Levi." He nodded before walking away.

The rest of the day was a little stressful. Explaining to my people where I was, what had happened, and a load of other questions without giving away the fact that I'm dating a human. My mirror in my room was still broken. The shattered glass left multicolored reflections of light throughout the bathroom. I was okay with it until I seen my reflection.

The broken glass had chopped up my face and reflected back a scared image of me. Memories came back of the ice kingdom dungeon and all the hatred. I ran out of my bathroom and out of my bedroom.

"Someone fix my mirror!" I yelled. A group of zombies marched into my room and was fixing the problem. Why we're all these memories resurfacing after so many years?

I spent the rest of the day relaxing. Chilling on mountain sides watching nature, sunsets, and animals. I was getting my mind off of things. I was alright for now. Then the sun had set and the night had taken over. I don't usually sleep at this time, but I had to prepare for Susan's training.

I was in my sweat pants and removing my shirt when an arrow went flying past my face. I dodged it as an instinct and snapped into attention.

"Come out and fight me like a man," I yelled. My night vision automatically caught the glimpse of Levi.

"Are you ready for your training?" He asked.

"Isn't it kind of late?" I asked. He shot an arrow toward my head again causing my to dodge it."Hey watch it," I say.

"I said I was teaching you so we are going to start now!" He said. He grabbed my hand and led my out of my home and into the woods. Of course he had gathered Tobi and Natalie for this occasion.

"Not you guys too," I said sliding my shirt back down.

"Oh yeah we are gonna prove to them ice humans what our queen is capable of," said Tobi. He pulled out a squirt gun and started pumping water at me. I started dodging.

"Hey quit it!" I said. Natalie caught me off guard with a bombardment of water balloons. I was soaked and I was smoking literally! The water was burning my skin. I almost yelled as Levi covers my mouth with his hand.

"Learn to power through the pain," he said. I then sucked it up and started manning up. The entire night went on like this, but what would be the need of training like this? If I can't stand a little water how am I going to endure ice?

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