Chapter 8: The royal, the Freak, and Vilkas

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Hex's p.o.v

"Come with me," she asked. I grabbed her hand as she led me through the crowd of people. We left the large ballroom and entered the hall.

I could sense someone was watching me. My Ender senses were right as I looked back and could see Vilkas watching me leave with Susan. I turned back around not knowing at all where she was taking me.

There was a spruce wood door with a golden handle. She opened it and we entered. She locked the door behind me and started taking off her dress.

"Wait I don't know you like that," I say blushing. I back up and trip into her bed. Her dress drops to the ground and I close my eyes.

"You really think I'd just throw myself at you?" She says. I open my eyes a bit and see she is wearing baby blue short sport shorts and a black tank top. I blush at how easily I jumped to conclusions.

"I-I'm sorry. Please excuse my arrogance," I say rising from her bed.

"Cut the bull man we're alone here. There is no need to try and act sophisticated," she says. She looks at me and walks to the window. "I'm pretty sure you wanna get out of that," she says before climbing out.

I take off the tux and dress shirt and removed my pants. I walked to the window as a cool breeze chills me to the bone. I toughen up and climb out the window with her.

"Nice basketball shorts, you're a Nike fan? Oh and your tank top. 'Just did it'," she says. She starts laughing.

She sat on a flat ledge on her roof, big enough for two. I walk up to her and sit.

It was silent as the wind blew her Snow White hair around and my obsidian black hair as well. I leaned back as we looked at the woods. The moon was high above us and the stars were twinkling brightly.

"So how is the weather?" I ask.

"The weather? Who are you my dad?"she asks. I take a hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry I guess my confidence disappears around you," I say.

"Is it because you feel like you need to impress me? Because you don't," she says.

I blush," no it's just, I'm not like normal people. It's hard for someone like me to actually find a person like you that actually treats me like a...," I say. I stare off into the woods.

A series of red glowing eyes advance through the woods, purple dust flies around the trees, and arrows fly through the forest.

"A friend? It's okay to call me a friend," she says. She then stares off with me. We sat there silent until a creeper explosion echoes throughout the woods.

Zombies moaned, skeletons shot arrows, and spiders rushed between trees as we sat up here.

"Poor soul," she says. I look at her confused. "That person is probably dead now. Especially since he ran towards the cave of the Freak.

"The freak?" I ask.

"A talk shadow figure with the eyes of Herobrine. Said to have been born of Enderman and Herobrine. Apparently it's a demon," she says. I bring my knees close to me and place my head on my knees. "What's wrong?" She asks.

"What if the freak isn't a freak at all? What if the freak is just misunderstood? What if-" she cuts me off.

"Exactly! What if the freak...wasn't who we think it is," she says. She climbs up to the window and I follow her. The room looked different somehow, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"The freak is a she," I said. Am I literally about to tell her? I only had one conversation with her and I already am opening up? What is it with me when I'm with her?

"Excuse me?" She asks sitting on her bed.

"The freak is a she," I say again. I sit on the bed beside her.

"How do you know this exactly?"she asks.

"I'm...I'm the freak," I say.

She laughs,"how could you be the freak?" She asks. I look down as she sits up and sets her head on her knees. "You're serious," she says. I nod and sit like her.

"Prove it," she says. I point to the necklace. She grabs it and slowly takes it off of me.

My reflection in her eyes changed. I could see my blue glow shine and my fangs return. My Hexy form returned and I sat there helpless in front of her. She stands from her bed and backs away.

"Please don't be scared," I say. I walk closer to her as she backs up. "I understand. I'll leave at once," I say. I hang my head low, grab my clothes, and walk towards the door. "I'm sorry, Princess," I say.

I open the door and a bucket of water splashes down on me. I yell as the water burns my skin. I fall to my knees dropping everything I had. A desert Eagle is pointed to my head. I look up into the eyes of Vilkas.

"Stand up you freak," he says. His tone is so dark and gut wrenching. I stand and walk backwards as he came closer. He let his guard down and laid the gun at his side.

"Look I-,"he cuts me off by raising the gun back to my head.

"Speak only when spoken to," he says. His eyes glow like fire as he stares into mine. I look towards the princess and Vilkas pistol whips me. "Don't you look at the princess!" He says.

"I just want to go home," I say pleadingly. "I don't want to cause any trouble. I didn't mean to," I say.
He cocks the gun, "I knew you were trouble when you walked in. Give me a reason to not splatter your brains everywhere," he says as his finger squeezes the trigger a bit.

He then let's go a bit as his eye widen.

"Tell me about the cave," He says pointing the gun at me telling me to turn and look at it from the window. "Is it true that you're the princess of mobs? Is that where your castle stands?" He asks.

"I'd never put my people in danger," I say. He pistol whips me again. I spit my black blood on the ground.

"Vilkas stop!" Yells Susan. She runs up to him and pushes him. He looses his footing and falls not letting go of the gun. He stands and grabs Susan by the neck.

"The princess? Helping her sworn enemy? I could have you killed for treason!" He brings her close and kisses her. She bites his tongue and he stops.

"Damn you! If I didn't need you to take your kingdom I'd have you killed!" He yells. He drops her to the ground and pistol whips her. "This is mutiny," he says.

"Vilkas order you to stop!" She yells. He pointed the loaded gun at her head.

"This has fallen into the hands of the military. I must ask you to step down," he says.

Then I smelled something...blood. My blood was one smell I didn't care for, black blood is normal, but I smelled her's.

I looked at her face and seen blood trickling out her mouth and nose. She tries to get up and he points the gun at me.
"Move once more and I'll shoot her," he says.I seen her lay helpless on the ground,crying.

"I never meant to hurt anyone. I'm sorry princess," I say. I ball my hands into fists and grab the sheets.
"But I'll be damned if I let you hurt any friend of mine!" I yell.

I just snapped. I got off the bed and everything turned purple. I could hear my heart pumping and I could sense everyone else's.

I looked up at Vilkas and his devilish smile returned my evil glare. There was a gunshot and everything went black.


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