Chapter 10: Little me

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Hex's p.o.v

I blacked out after I heard the gun shot. After a few minutes I woke up in chains. Black shackles were around my ankles and wrists. I was in a prison. There was no light outside, but a single far off light in a dark void. The cell was made of cobblestone and all that was inside was a single torch.

Behind me was a barred window, high above me, but it was small. In the corner of the wall was a leak. Black liquid leaked in from the wall and soaked my feet. Strangely I had lost all my clothes. I could feel the warm liquid wrap around me as if it was alive. I couldn't move at all. I felt as if all the energy was sapped from my body.

I could hear footsteps coming from the black void beyond the bars. I was strung up tight by chains and I struggled but managed to catch a glimpse at the window. A purple glow flickering like a flame appeared from the window and heat as well.

I looked towards the void and listened as the footsteps got louder. I waited for the mystery person to set me free or doom me, but what I expected wasn't what showed up. I expected a large foe getting ready to off me or my father saying he's not letting me go. What I seen was myself, but younger a lot younger! It was kid me.

She had long black hair that went to the middle of her back that was in pigtails. She wore denim shorts and a purple tank top. She had a spider that she held on to tightly. I looked as if I was only 500 years old. She looked at me almost as if she was expecting me. I blushed as my young eyes observed my body.

She had a blue key hanging around her neck. She stayed quiet as she started unlocking the cell. I could gradually feel my power returning. The chains disappeared as I fell into the black liquid. Instead of being liquid like I guessed it was sticky like muck.

I felt stronger the more it got on me. It felt right to let it over me. Then the cage door opened and I rushed into the arms of little me.

"Time is running out. We have to get you out of here," she says. She grabs my hand and leads me to the light that was in the void. As we walked my clothes started appearing on my body. I stayed quiet as little me led me to the light.

"What the hell is going on here? Last I remember was Susan and-," I say. I grab little me and lift her to my height.

"Where is Susan?" I ask. She didn't say anything. Her eyes were a young blue, but she had no pupil like Herobrine. Her face is blank and emotionless.

"We have to keep going," she says. I put her back down and she grabs my hand again.

The light wasn't a light at all. It was how the world looked when I was a kid. We were outside of a kingdom. The ice kingdom. I saw the king and he was young and strong. He must be an ancestor of Susan. His white hair hung to his shoulders and a woman was in his arms. I looked at the happy couple.

"I need to find Susan," I say. Little me stays quiet and leads me to a different area. In a cave were a pair of blue glowing eyes. My father had a necklace around his neck. He looked happy and with him walked my mother. She was holding toddler me.

"What are you getting at?" I ask kid me. She pointed. On the baby me was a purple smoke like substance. I walked closer until little me stopped me. A little dragon was in the arms of my mother. I had turned into a black dragon. But I sounded like it was still me.

Little me tugged on my shirt. I got down to her size.

"Don't loose yourself. Or everything will come crashing down," she says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.
She points back at the cell.

"The black liquid. Don't let it cover you completely," she says. She then kisses my forehead and leads me back to the cell.

The black liquid had drained away and the window had turned into a door. I open the door and a flash of purple blinds me.

I wake up in a infirmary in the middle of the night. I could here bats outside and the busyness of the place. I tried to sit up but my body hurt so bad. I winced as the pain surged through my body.

"You shouldn't move, you've been through a lot," says a familiar voice. I look to my left and see Susan. She had a wet rag in her hand and she was whipping my face off. I struggled to sit up, but she presses on my chest and made me lay back down.

She looked tired and worried. Her long white hair was in a ponytail and she was in sweatpants and a black tank top. I looked at her as she kept fading. I pat my bed.

She wakes up. "I-I'm sorry. I've been waiting a few days for you to wake up. I haven't left your side. Except to maybe use the bathroom," she says.

"Y-you haven't slept or eaten?" I struggle to ask. She shakes her head. I point to the meal on the tray that the nurses have been feeding me. It was bread, soup, red jello, and orange juice with a side of pills.

"N-no that's for you. I want you to heal quick because if I lost you," she stops and looks to the ground.

"Eat it," I say. I was now growling between my teeth. I grab the tray and set it beside her. She grabs the bread and starts eating. I look towards the night sky as she ate.

I told Leviticus that I'd be home...I didn't even tell him where I was going. I hope he is okay. After a few minutes the food was gone besides a bit of orange juice and the pills.

"At least take the medicine," she says. I shake my head. "Please I'd feel better if you did. Please Hex," she says.

I shrug,"fine, but I can't move," I say. She nods and stands. She takes the pils and sits them on my tongue. She then takes the Orange juice and lifts the cup to my lips. She leans me up a bit as I drink. She then sits the cup down and sits. She looks at me smiling and tired.

I pat the bed. "Cmon up here, you need your sleep," I say.

"No you wouldn't be comfortable," she says.

"Susan stop worrying about me. You act like I'm weak. Just shut up and let me take care of you," I say.

"I don't mean to make you think you're weak. It's just...I'm weak," she says. I sit there in silence. "When the incident with Vilkas happened I couldn't do anything. I felt so useless," she says.

"I like that you did nothing. I know it sounds weird, but if anything happened to you," I say.

"But something happens to you!" She says. She grabs the blankets tightly. I look at her face and a bruise was on her left side.

"I don't care. As long as I live I will protect you. It may sound cheesy, but I will," I say. She smiles and climbs into the bed with me.

I switch off the lights and let her take the blanket. I start to drift off. She fell asleep instantly, but right before I dozed off with her head on my chest a shadow was castes into the room. It looked like the shadow of a skull, but as I tried to get a closer look it disappeared.

Whatever it was it wouldn't matter. All that matters is that Susan is okay. I wouldn't be able to do anything in this state anyway. I doze off to sleep.

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