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I was a girl with dreams once. A girl who dreamed of soaring high.

"You brat get up!" Here's the thing about dreams, they are pointless. The higher you climb, the harder you hit the ground. And me, I didn't stop hitting the ground. "I said get up!" And once you fall, it's impossible to get back up. "Are you deaf now too?!"

I looked through my lashes at the man towering above me, the man who made sure that my dreams would never see the light of day. "Ohhhh so she isn't deaf?" He roughly grabbed my curly hair and dragged me to my feet. "Now that you're moving, I want food on the table in fifteen." I quickly nodded and ran off down the hall to the old kitchen. 

Dreams are the things that keep people going, but for me, they are the weights that have dragged me to the bottom of the ocean, the things that have kept me from seeing the light of day.

And one day, one day those dreams will kill me...

just like they killed my parents that dreadful day a year ago.

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