Chapter Fourteen

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A girl with blonde hair guided us down the halls and pointed out numerous rooms. The layout of the building was giving me a major headache, to say the least. 

"Et c'est à peu près tout, y a-t-il des questions ?" She clapped her hands together, her eyes flitting from me back to my brothers.
(And that's about it, are there any questions?)

"Ma sœur doit encore s'inscrire à son cours au choix." Armel crossed his arms over his broad chest.
(My sister still needs to sign up for her elective course)

"Oui, le bureau principal est en charge des cours optionnels J'ai peur." The girl wrung her hands as my brothers gazed at her.
(Yes, the main office is in charge of electives I'm afraid)

"Bien sûr."
(Of course)

We headed back quickly to the main office before approaching the secretary's desk. 

"Ma sœur doit choisir son choix." The lady looked surprised, to say the least when she noticed my brothers towering over her.
(My sister needs to choose her elective)

"Bien sûr Monsieur Renaud." The lady pushed a piece of paper and a pen over the counter to us and Armel inspected it before marking something and handing the paper back to the lady. Her eyes bulged and she opened her mouth but one look for Matthieu had her nodding and putting it into a tray.
(Of course Mr. Renaud)

"Bonne journée, je te verrai dans quelques jours." She smiled as we all left the office and headed back to the car.
(Have a nice day, I'll see you later this week)


I watched my brothers as Armel drove, white-knuckling the steering wheel. "I cannot believe that she's working there!" He smashed his hand on the wheel causing me to jump.

"There's nothing we can do now brother, I can try to look into it but I don't think it will even matter." Armel sighed as Matthieu tried to console him.

"On a different note, where are we going shopping first?" Valentin's eyes lit up at the idea and I stifled a laugh. For just all being big, scary dudes, they sure had interesting priorities when not in anyone's face.

"Where ever Nadia decides." Armel glanced at me through the rear-view mirror and I just shrugged. I had never really gone shopping. Sure, I bought food but I had never had the privilege of shopping for clothes. The sweatshirt I owned was one I stole off a clothesline at one of my foster homes.

The boys continued to bicker over where to go first as I spaced out. What if they wanted me to try on dresses or anything short-sleeve? I couldn't show them the scars, not yet at least. Or what if I had a panic attack while I was there? Hercule wouldn't be there this time to help me through it. Sure, the three with me would be able to manage, it just wasn't something I wanted to think about. Or what if something I couldn't even imagine happened? I didn't even want to think about what that could be.

As I continued to ponder, Armel pulled into yet another parking lot. 

"Alright everyone, out. We've got shopping to do!" Valentin quickly hopped out of the car before clapping his hands. Their sunglasses were back on as we headed into the neat rows of shops. I noticed men dressed in black walking after us from the corner of my eye. Pulling on Valentin's shirt to gain his attention I pointed at the men.

"Don't worry about them belle. They're just shopping like we are I bet." I nodded my head at Armel's words but I didn't believe him, not for a second. 

The boys headed towards a shop and I quickly followed, scared of being separated by the mass quantities of people around. 

Inside the shop, there were beautiful clothes. My eyes strayed to a tan button-up sweater. It was soft to the touch and definitely something I would wear. Just as I was about to pick it up I realized the price and immediately straightened it, before walking away. I hoped I hadn't stained the beautiful piece, it would be such a waste if I were to stain it.

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