Chapter Forty-Six

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Staring at the ceiling, I listened to the steady patter of rain, reminiscing on my life here. Each day was monotonous, draining my energy, yet I had evolved as well, turning into someone I never thought I'd get the chance to become.

"Miss? It's time to get up and meet the Master for breakfast." I sat up and sighed, dragging a hand across my face. Tomorrow was the day it all happened, and I  couldn't figure out if I was nervous or excited—not excited to enact the plan, but excited to be done with this shit. "Miss?"

"I'm getting up." My legs felt like lead as I threw them over the side of the bed and stood. Arching my back, I waited until I heard a crack and sighed. Just one more day, I could do this. The thought of being back home with my brothers became increasingly appealing... it seemed weird that in such a short time of knowing them, I felt more emotions than I ever had in my life. They were people that most feared, but who I felt safe with. Even though they greatly tested my patience at times they were who I wanted to be with.


It had taken more effort than it should've to rile up enough energy to change and walk down the stairs to the garden parlor.

"Dove! There you are, my darling girl!" Rhys stood and greeted me with a brief hug.

"Good morning, Papa. I hope you slept well?" I scoured his face, taking in the dark shadows under his eyes and large Crow's feet.

A twinkle awoke in his eye and he smiled softly—it was nothing like the grin I had grown accustomed to—"I've had better". Nodding, I prodded a piece of fruit and brought it to my lips, enjoying the soft patter of the steady rain. "What would you like for dinner tomorrow?"

"Hm? Oh... I don't know, I'm fine with anything." Rhys nodded and continued to eat, his eyes shadowed with thought.

"What about a cake flavor?" Meeting his gaze, I smiled again.

"Dark chocolate with raspberry filling will do."

"As you wish." He seemed to make a mental note of it before our conversation was once again over.

The room was stifling with all of the silence. In some cases, silence was calming, but this had the opposite effect... I was restless. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do if I was given the chance—unless it was badly hurting someone. "Papa?"

Rhys met my eyes slowly, almost like he was waking from a dream, "yes, Birdy?"

"I remember... I remember that when I was little we would spar, could we do that after breakfast?"

For a moment, I saw the young man that lay deep within his heart, the man who had raised me, "of course."


The gym here was nothing compared to the gym at home. Instead of a sprawling room of various equipment, this one only had a few machines and a sparring ring. It seemed odd that such a monstrous house had this minuscule room as a gym.

I was wearing a white tank top, unafraid of what the guards who had joined us would think. It didn't matter to me anymore. Hell, I would wear a bikini if I felt like it.

"Birdy," I shifted my gaze from the onlookers to Rhys, "take your position." There was no way he would spar me, not with his bad limp and cane.

Walking into the ring, I drew in a shallow breath. If I could beat Léon, I had no doubts that I could beat whoever he paired me against.

"Audrey," my eyes shot up and he smirked, motioning for his right-hand to step forward, "I want you to verse Nadia."

"With all due respect, no."

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