Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The sun was starting to set, giving the clouds a pinkish hue. Wind rustled my jacket as small splatters of rain marked my skin like freckles. Laughing out, I readjusted, laying on the ground like a starfish.

Peace enveloped my mind while the cotton candy clouds floated past.

"Nadia?" I turned my head to the right and saw Armel hugging a coat around his stomach. "You should head inside, we're saying our final goodbyes to Mama."

A sense of gloom encased my mind as I sat up. "Do we really need to leave her? Why can't she just come with us?"

Sighing, Armel sat next to me. His arm snaked around my back and rested just under my arm. "Because we can't put her in danger like that. I would love for Mama to come home more than anything... but it's just not possible yet. You get that right?" I nodded and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. I understood his point but I didn't want to leave her. She was my mom and I had just met her.

"Can we come back and see her?" Armel looked down at me and smiled.

"Of course, we can Belle. Once we know that neither of you is in danger, we can visit her as much as your heart desires. Hell, maybe she'll even want to move in with us."

A smile like a beam of light lit up my face. "Promise?"

"With my entire life." He lifted his pinky to me and I wrapped mine around it. "Now, how about we head back inside?"

Bobbing my head, I wasn't expecting to be lifted off the ground, shrieking as my head was lowered to the point where my curls were tracing patterns in the dirt beneath. He lifted me back up, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Setting me down on the ground, we made our way - hand in hand - back into the house.


"You promise to call me once a week? Until we know it's safe for me to visit again?" Everyone was ready to leave but I couldn't just leave her like this. I had just met her and there was no way I was letting her exit my life easily this time.

"Amada I promise, with my entire heart, that I will call you once a week." She pressed her hand to her heart and smiled at me with a new twinkle in her eye.

"And I can come see you soon?"

"I will personally send Carlos to bring you back once I know that you're no longer in danger." She sent a glance over my head and to my brothers. Even though she was sitting and I was kneeling, she was still able to see over my head. Perks of being the shortest in the family of giants I guess. "You boys best take care of her. If I find that there is even a scratch upon her skin..."

"... You'll make our asses red, we remember Mama."

Beaming at them, she turned back to me. "You just call me if they give you any trouble." Winking she brought me in close. "Just remember, no matter where you go, you'll always be a Renaud. And more importantly, you'll always be my daughter." She pulled away and took my hand in hers. Flipping it over, she pressed a small pouch into my palm. "Take care of them, Nadia, they need you just as much as you need them."

Following her eyes, I turned my head and looked at my brothers. They all oozed power in their fitted suits and oxfords. Deep down though, I knew that appearances could be deceiving.

"I promise."

She sent me a smile before closing my fingers around the pouch. "Good. Now, shoo, shoo. I believe someone said you have school tomorrow."

I kissed her cheek gently and she looked at me with surprise. There was a small tickle in my throat as I looked at her, "I'll miss you, Mama."

"Oh Amada, I'll miss you too." She kissed my cheek before pulling away.

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