Chapter Forty

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My feet swing in lazy circles as we wait for the results to come back. Remy and Alexandre had left the room minutes ago to look at something.  I assumed that it was important from the way they rushed from the room, talking in hushed voices.

"How much longer is this fucking thing going to take?!" Léon's body was sprawled on the floor at the base of the table as he complained.

Hearing grumbling, I stopped swinging my legs and looked over the edge at my brothers who were on the ground.

"You dumbass."

"What did I do!" Léon was rubbing his arm in pain as he glared at Valentin.

"What haven't you done?" Armel's response was barely audible, but based on the dead silence that engulfed the room, everyone heard it.


"All of you, shut up. Please, I can't take any more of your bickering." Hercule rubbed his temples as a small brawl commenced on the floor.

Staring at them acting like small children, a giggle left my mouth. All eyes snapped to me and Hercule smirked dangerously.

"So, you think this is funny, huh?" I looked around before pointing a finger at my chest. "Who else would I be talking to?" His feet moved dangerously slow as he walked around the jumbled limbs in the center of the floor.

"I don't think anything is funny." My eyes were scanning the room as he continued his slow approach.

"Really? Nothing?" He cocked his head to the side as he stopped moving.


"Belle, is that a question or a statement?"

"A statement?" I had definitely screwed myself up with that one.

"Mhm." Valentin hopped up off the floor to stand next to Hercule, while Matthieu peeled himself off one of the walls.

"If you say so baby sis." My cheeks flamed red as they continued their approach.

"I do."

"Then I guess I'll need to do this then." As one unit, Hercule, Matthieu, and Valentin pounced.

Their fingers were stretched out as I began to screech and try to get away.

Jumping off the other side of the table, I ran straight into a smirking Armel and Léon. "Nuh-uh. You're not getting out of this one."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Taking slow steps back, I felt my back press against the table again.

"Sure you don't." Hands grabbed my arms before lifting me back onto the table.

"What do you think you're-" my words were cut off as they started their attack.

Their fingers were digging into my sides and arms, anywhere they could possibly try to tickle me.

Valentin moved away before looking at me with an evil grin. "This is for not making me any cookies." I balked at him. He had never asked! Valentin pulled me closer to him before turning his back to me and pulling my foot to his chest, tickling the bottom of it.

Shrieking, I tried to kick him off of me but he held on tight. As they continued their onslaught, I took in the different facial expressions they had while I tried and failed to escape.

"I have the results..." The words died at the end of his sentence as Doctor Bardot and a guard I failed to recognize entered the room.

Immediately, all my brothers stopped attacking me, giving me space to catch my breath as they quickly donned their harsh exteriors.

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