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Are you there... can you... really hear me? It's been so long. I've been waiting, and waiting, for an eternity.

How did I end up here- in this abyss. There's nothing here. Am I even here?

Hold on- who am I? I... Can't remember my name. Um, sorry about that, human. You are human right? I don't know if I am- I can't remember. How am I contacting you human? I am just thinking... but I feel that I'm making a connection to someone, somewhere out there.

If my hunch is true, then I have finally made a connection to beyond this nothingness. I didn't know nothing existed until now. It's like people always say- when you close just one of your eyes. There is just nothing there. Not black or anything. It just seems like nothing.

I can't describe it. It's so empty.

Not even empty.

Am I even here? What am I on about. There is no here.

Oh no.
I feel our connection weakening. Your fading away human.

Are we still connec//////////||||||||||||||||||I

What was that. An interception? Not possible. Maybe we just went through a rough patch of connection- like that one spot in your house that will always have horrific WiFi signal. And you disconnect from it, even if just for a second.

Huh. Strange. I just thought of something bizzare. A colour. Blue.

Normally I think in black and white, but for a second there I caught a glimpse of a colour.

Is that what I'm doing? Thinking? Is this just my imagination... Are you not really there?

I wonder why I don't remember colour. I seem to just... Know certain things. Like I knew what WiFi was, and I knew what eyes were. But yet I don't know who I am, or anything about where I was or where I am.

I need to do some more thinking. My imagination is powerful. I will escape from here.

You see, I think I am human. Maybe? Or a brain that acts similar to that of a human.

I just need to break down the impossible, to small possible tasks. I will get out of here.

I promise, for Astro.

What. Who is Astro. What am I keeping from myself.

Feels familiar... But not like someone I know.

It's happening again. Our connection. It's weakening. We're going through a rough patch again, please stand by, I'll be back, I promise////////////////////////¶∆

End of prologue
Oh, hi. Thanks for reading. :)

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