Catching up

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I was waiting for Emma in the coffee shop, she has to wrap up the exhibition before she can leave and I also have some work left so we decided to meet here. I was so excited to finally meet her properly that I even have a giddy feeling in my stomach girly I know but that is the effect Emma has on me. As I was thinking about what I would say to Emma I heard someone calling my name, I looked up to see the daughter of one of my clients Stella. " Hey!!! Dani what a pleasent surprise " she said in her squeaky voice . Well you see I don't like Stella at all, she is clingy, irritating and doesn't know the meaning of no!! " hi " I replied and just then I saw her coming in, I instantly smiled " hey do you know her " Stella asked following my gaze. I ignored her and went straight towards Emma " Hey " I said " hi " she replied " can we go somewhere else " I asked I don't want to remain at the same place as Stella she just doesn't  leave me alone, " ummm yaa I guess " Emma said and just when we were about to go out " I didn't know you have a girlfriend " I heard Stella speak. Emma turned around and looked at Stella and then at me I turned too " and why would I tell you something this personal? " I asked Stella ," So she is your girlfriend " Stella asked looking hurt??? " ya so? " I asked and without waiting for a reply I turned around and left dragging Emma with me. " what was that about " Emma asked once we were safely in the back seat of my car " well she just can't take no for an answer " I said and Emma laughed and God how I missed this beautiful sound , its even contagious because soon I started laughing to. After we were both a bit sober she said " oh God its like Sara happened all over again " I looked at her and laughed " naa , Sara was worse " I said " yaa!! She even threatened me that if I didn't stay away from you she will get me kidnapped" she said " well you have to get used to it after all I am the hottest man alive " I said while winking at her " cocky much " she replied with a smirk. I smiled " so tell me where have you been all this time " I asked " we moved to Asia ten years ago and was living there but then mom and dad got separated and I came back here with mom a year ago " she said with sadness in her eyes " what Ralf and Michelle got seperated? " I asked in disbelief they were like the perfect couple " ya dad left mom for another lady " she murmured " hey I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked " I said " its not your fault Dan " she said " enough about me what about you how have you been " she asked changing the topic " well I now own my own construction business " I said proudly " wow Dan you finally did it I'm so proud of you " she said while hugging me , I hugged her back it has been so long, she has no idea how much I have missed this feeling of being in her arms I want us to stay like this forever ..........

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