4 - The Bet

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Here it is, guys! The official translation for the one-shot "A Aposta" (The Bet).

The plot is really silly, but that's on purpose. This story is meant to be sexy and lighthearted because that's exactly what we need to get us through the heavy angst we have right now on the show. 

So, let's get to it!


The Bet

"Go to jail," Ceylin read the words aloud with a disapproving scowl on her face.

"Ha," Ilgaz looked up from the cards in his hand and grinned at his wife, "you're going back to your second home," he was even more amused when Ceylin glared at him.

The lawyer didn't have the time to think of an appropriate response to his teasing so she stuck out her tongue at Ilgaz making her annoyance very clear.

"If I had a get out of jail free card, I swear I'd give it to you," Defne told her sister-in-law in a friendly manner, "it's already the second time you're sent to prison and we haven't been playing that long," the little girl added, genuinely sorry for Ceylin.

"Going to prison twice doesn't even come close to Ceylin's personal record," Ilgaz smirked knowing that while Defne would interpret his line as a game stat, Ceylin would perfectly understand what he meant.

He knew he was right when the lawyer gave him a death stare.

"You're a wonderful person," Ceylin's expression softened when she looked at Defne and affectionately touched the girl's chin. Afterward, she looked back at Ilgaz and moved her lips silently, in a way he could read them but Defne couldn't hear her, "you're not."

Her brother's seemingly random laughter caught Defne's attention.

They were sitting on the floor around the coffee table in the Kayas' third floor apartment. A large Monopoly board took up most of the space. Right next to them, Çinar had made himself comfortable on the couch. He held the game box as he was in charge of dealing the cards and banknotes.

Ceylin looked around, noticing her modest pile of money. Luck just wasn't on her side that evening. Defne's net worth was a little more valuable than hers but none of them got even close to the amount of money and properties Ilgaz had already accumulated.

He seemed to do absolutely everything in an annoyingly competent and efficient fashion, which sometimes drove Ceylin crazy.

"Why do you have that smartass smile on your face?" Ceylin provoked him, "are you really that confident you're going to win?"

Ilgaz didn't say anything but the way he raised both eyebrows and tilted his head slightly to the side, looking from his pile of cash to Ceylin as if that outcome was inevitable only increased her determination to see him lose.

She spent the next three rounds in jail and had to pay the fifty-dollar fine to get out. In the meantime, Ilgaz purchased another plot of land and added a hotel to one of his properties, substantially increasing his earnings.

"Are you guys hungry?" Ceylin asked after finally going through a round with a lucky hand. She needed time to come up with a strategy. Without waiting for an answer, the lawyer got up on her feet and headed to the kitchen, "I'll get us something to eat."

Just like she'd imagined, it didn't take long for Ilgaz to join her.

"What are you up to?" He approached her silently and looked over his shoulder to check if they were being watched but Çinar and Defne seemed to be engrossed in counting the little girl's bills. "Do you need me to get that?"

IlCey One-Shots (Port / Eng / Spa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora