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You remained within your own head during the week within the hospital

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You remained within your own head during the week within the hospital. Only Damiano had been allowed in but you wouldn't have wanted anyone else, anyone living at least.

Your injuries were healing quickly with the proper medical attention, although you had been confined to a wheelchair for your leg.

When you were finally released Damiano brought you back to his house without hesitating.

Damiano's mother fussed over you until you made it to his room, he had carried you up the stairs without a word. But when the door was finally shut you were returned to your own thoughts as you sat in silence.

You were on his bed, the familiarity of his room something you thought you'd never see again.

His walls were still a dark blue, covered in various posters. Dark wooden furniture decorated by haphazardly laid possessions. It still felt the same, it even smelt the same, still untouched from his youth.

Your fingers reached for his, pulling him toward you on the bed. You wanted comfort.

You loved Mrs David, but something you had learnt from losing people you loved is no words brought comfort. You felt better left in silence, just with the comfort of having another person around.

Damiano knew that about you and had already set up the room for you.

The curtains were drawn, the door was locked, the warm light of an old bedside lamp illuminating the room.

Damiano held you as you cried, soothed and repeated over and over until you were ready to talk. You were leant into his side, his arms wrapped around you protectively as if to shield you from the horrors of the earth.

"I want him to have a funeral." You spoke.

Your voice was better than it was a week ago, but the strain was still heavily evident. The Doctors had told you it might be weeks yet until it had healed.

"A funeral we shall throw him."

His lips pressed to the top of your head, one of his hands gently tracing down your arms. His fingers trailed, avoiding the small wound on the inside of your elbow from where you had pulled the IV out.

"How can he just be gone, Damiano? He saved me." You spoke out through tears. "He saved us."

His grip on you lessened for a moment, before his lips placed yet another tender kiss.

"It's cruel, I know. You're going to be okay."

He didn't say anymore, holding you until your breaths calmed again.

After Damiano had thought you were asleep he snuck out to the bathroom, you waited for the water of the shower to begin before you moved.

You were wanting to find old school books, something to find Gus' family. He'd never spoken about them, you vaguely remember he had a foster family, but you wanted to find someone, or anyone, who would attend his funeral.

Looking through the bedside drawers you were expecting to find books, a torch, perhaps, but what you found truly surprised you, causing you to drop it the minute you had picked it up.

The door opened as you scrambled to hide evidence of your snooping, but Damiano walked in with a towel around his hips, surprised to see you awake.

You were both caught red handed.

You held them up clearly, the beads dangling back and forth as his eyes focussed on what you were holding.

"Why do you have my parent's necklaces?"

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