[2] Frappuccino and Boy Watching

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Beautiful Stranger

Chapter 2 - Frappuccino and Boy Watching

Pearl's POV

The day has just begun and I already felt tired. My limbs were just a bit achy because of the way I slept the night before and I started realizing that I will have to deal with this bed for a very long time from now on. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, the mattress can be changed easily, it's just that I don't want to whine too much. I was lucky to get this room when I did so I decided not to dwell on the bad things and focus on moving forwards with my studies. I sat on the bed with a little mirror in my hand applying red lipstick. Some might say I'm daring or that I'm trying to get attention with the way I dress, the way I am, but I completely disagree. I dress quite casually, just things I'm comfortable in and my personality is mine so I chose to just drown out the haters. It is, after all, their opinion of me and as long as their opinion does not affect mine, everything is fine.

"Hello Pearl," My roommate shouted excitedly as she ran into the room. Suzy is a tall girl with a lot of energy which I really do not know where it comes from. I smiled softly and gave her a slight wave then resumed to applying the lipstick on my upper lip too. "Do you always dress so fancy?" she asks as she flops down on her own bed with a pair of knee length socks. Looking up at her and screwing the lid of the lipstick back in, I answer amusedly. She was also dressed nicely, with style. She wore a skater red skirt with a black sweater nicely tucked into the skirt and knee length socks and a pair of red Converses. Her long, black hair fell around her shoulders in nice, tight curls and her makeup was minimal, dark brown lipstick and long, gorgeous lashes.

"This is nowhere fancy, Suzy," I say and she smiles. From the short amount of time I've been here, I found out that Suzy is a simple soul. She's a very kind, smart and funny girl which I know for a fact that I will get to be great friends with. I was wearing a pair of white jeans, a loose black t-shirt that revealed one of my milky white shoulders and a pair of black Louboutins and loop earrings. I was a huge fan of accessories so I used them for anything, be it bracelets, rings, necklaces or earrings, I wore them all. The room was tiny, barely big enough for the two beds to fit in, two-night stands, two closets and two small desks however it was divided equally between the two of us. I looked around the room and sighed, we still needed to do buy a lot of things such as lamps, a rug, maybe bean bags, they would probably fit somewhere around the room. Maybe at the end of my bed if we squeeze them together.

"Hey, how about we go out, have some breakfast and then try to buy some of the things missing from this room?" Suzy enquires and I nodded rapidly. I really felt like something was missing from the room, almost like a hole in my chest waiting to be filled and I don't know if it's the fact that the room is emptier than full or anything else. She waited patiently by the door as I threw my phone and a packet of tissues in my bag. Soon we were out of the door and a nice silence settled in. We were both avoiding the subject of school, I could sense it, she was just as afraid of university as I was. I decided to come to this university for the sole purpose of independence. I did not mind being close to my parents, in fact, I wish I could see papa more than once a month but having a little bit of independence is good at my age. Ever since a little child my sister and I were very spoiled by our parents. While all the other kids at school had to share a room with their siblings, my older sister and I had our own rooms which were big enough to fit two people in there. Not to mention the weekly trips outside New York to this very nice vacation home our parents bought when they found out my mother was pregnant with their second child; me. The way Papa explained it to me was that both him and Mama were very studious in school despite the fact that both of them were born into wealthy families. Papa inherited my grandpa's business and Mama used to own a few pet salons but now she decided to focus on only one of them, as that one was the most successful one.

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