[4] William Our Saviour

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Chapter 4 - William, Our Saviour

Pearl's POV

Alexander was tugging at my hand, our steps quick and breaths ragged against the humid air that filled the room. I felt suffocated. Suddenly, I smirked and sneaked my hand out of his and made a run for the exit on the other side of the room. I was lucky I was short, therefore all these tall people towering above me shielded me from his view. Soon I made it outside where Suzy was waiting anxiously, my phone in her tiny hand and her entire frame shaking because of the cold late autumn. I fell into a slow pace and she took my hand. Hers was icy, she was wearing a mere black blouse that left her shoulders bare and the shorts that only covered her waist and not her thighs were obviously not enough to keep her warm. I gave her a questioning look but she didn't have time to answer as an SUV pulled rather violently in front of us. I smiled widely and ushered her into the back whilst I climbed into the passenger seat. Next to me was sitting William, my best friend since nursery, my mother's best friend's son and the only person other than my father whom I trust blindly.

"Well hello there, gorgeous." He sing songs with a smirk as he starts the engine again and we get going. Looking behind, I see Suzy sitting quietly in the back and Alexander running out of the house looking furious.

"Hello handsome," I smile lovingly at him, feeling my heart flutter at how much I missed him over the summer holidays. "This is Suzy, she's my roommate, and the guy we just ran away from is the douche I met today that I told you of."

"Hi Suzy, very nice to meet you, my name is Will. Now, do I already have to beat up guys Lin?" he asks amusedly and I punch him as we drove past trees and windmills towards the city, where the original party was.

"Nice to meet you, could you guys drop me off at the dorms please?" she asks softly, her voice merely above a whisper and I frown, feeling guilty for putting her in this situation. Suzy seems like a very delicate girl, someone shy and reserved in new situations so having her run around like a chicken with no head and calling strangers to pick us up was surely unwelcomed.

"Sure we can, in fact, why don't we just have a night in?" asks Will excitedly as he stops at a red light, we've already passed the suburban area of New York. Suzy and I both nod quietly as Will makes a right turn instead of a left one and we drive home.

Soon we were standing in front of the dorm door, fiddling around with the keys awkwardly, trying to get in. The corridor was dark so we couldn't see what we were doing but after a few failed attempts we managed to get into the tiny room. Turning on the light, Will was gaping at the small room, judging it silently, as to not offend Suzy and me. Sighing, I sit down on my neatly made bed and I take off my high heels. I stretch out my legs and let out a loud groan, feeling my muscles tense up. Suzy was already in the bathroom, probably taking her make up off. I remember when she told me that she hates wearing make-up because she feeling like she's putting on this heavy mask and I agreed that she looks beautiful even without it. Will took a seat next to me, waiting patiently for me to speak.

"I suppose you wonder why you had to come and pick us up?" I ask and he nods slowly. "basically, I met this guy today and he had the guts to ask me to go to this party with him, it was supposed to be the same party you went to," swiftly, I turn around to show him the zipper which he unzips and I sigh, feeling better with myself. Slowly I get up and move to the closet to pick out something comfortable, such as a pair of black leggings and a long t shirt. As I was dressing up under his eyes I continued speaking. "so I agreed and told him to pick me up, he came late of course but I overlooked it, thinking the night might turn out fine, but no, how can it even be alright?" I ask angrily as I sat down next to him and he wrapped his big arms around me so I can snuggle up to him. "But then his best friend and him decided to go to another party, in a very secluded area. At first I wasn't happy with the idea but I gave in right, and then he did this thing in which he tried to kiss me and that seriously pissed me off!" as I turn my head towards him, I see the amused look he had on his face while I was venting out.

"So you decided to ask your sister's friends to beat him up?" he asks curiously.

"No, they were just going to scare him, that's all but I didn't want to spend any more time there so Suzy called you and here we are." I finish with a long, animated sigh to which he chuckles. Soon Suzy comes out of the bathroom wearing a pair of cute shorts and a large t shirt. Her hair was up in a messy bun and her big hipstery glasses sat nicely on the bridge of her nose.

"So, Suzy, I've heard a lot about you." Says will with a funny undertone and I scoff at him.

"Really? What have you heard?" She seems more comfortable now, like she won't stutter every time someone starts a conversation with her.

"Oh, like how nice you are, very bookish, cute, that you're completely gorgeous." By now he smirks flirtatiously and I cannot help but roll my eyes at his way of having fun.

"Quit playing around Will, she might be gorgeous but we both know you don't swing that way."

"You're a party pooper my dear Lin, has anyone told you that before?"

"You did a few times." I state as a matter of fact and Suzy chuckles as she sits down comfortably on her bed. We now stare at each other for a few seconds, the atmosphere growing more and more awkward by the minute. Truth be told, I haven't been telling William a lot about Suzy and she is completely alien to him and vice versa but in some way I was sure they were going to hit it off anyway. Not being able to bear with the silence anymore, I decided to introduce them to each other formally.

"This isn't the situation I wanted you two to meet each other but I guess it will have to do." I say quietly, leaning against Will's chest as they both chuckle, realizing how difficult getting them to talk must be.

"Calm down Pearl, we'll get to know each other, Will seems like a really nice guy."

"Let's all talk about Will while he's here, why not?" he mocks Suzy and we all laugh, the atmosphere lightening considerably. Maybe tonight won't be a total failure after all.

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