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Aaliyah Pov

So Nadia needs me to collect information on the girl who was speaking on her sister.

It seems easy but at the same time hard, this the first time I had to do something like this.
I wonder what Nadia had to do though. I hope she's safe.
I hear my phone ding and I pick it up. It's an Instagram dm from Asia

@LuvAsia-You getting Nadia fine ass to go to the party?.

@Liyah2goated- I'm still working on it .


She leaves me on seen which doesn't bother me to much but what does bother me is how she likes Nadia so much. I get jealous over that,in a way.

I get ready to take a shower and get a text from Nadia.


Lil ass Nadia🍼- Come over.

Big head Aaliyah🥴- Okay after I shower

📱End of messages📱

That put a big ass smile on my face. I hop my ass in the shower. Happy as fuck in the shower.

As soon as I get out I put on a white tee, joggers, and my slides and go downstairs.

I see my mom downstairs and she gives me a certain look before talking. "Aaliyah why you all dressed up?" I look at her trying to keep calm "i'm about to go to Nadia's so can I get a ride?"

My mother starts to laugh. "You got two feet better get to walking." I roll my eyes before heading out.

I start speed walking almost running to Nadia's house.

As soon as I get there Nadia opens the door. "Damn forest gump you got some heavy ass feet." She laughs. "I was tryna get here fast, wassup why'd you ask me to come over?"

Nadia sits down and looks at me with a serious  look "when were you going to tell me?" She asks

"Tell you what?" I start to get nervous
Nadia keeps her strong gaze on me "You forgot to tell me about the party that you going to."

I look at her confused "Who the fuck said I was going. I was thinking about it but never confirmed I was going."

"Watch the way you talk to me." Nadia says, it lowkey scares me. "Anyways we going because you know who gonna be there and then you can do what I asked."
I'm a little surprised that she wants to go. "How'd you hear about the party?" Nadia goes to grab her phone and slowly says "Asia"

That makes me upset lowkey but I try my best to hide it.
"So how you know ole girl going to be there." I ask and Nadia looks up from her phone. "Why wouldn't she be there. You know how she be."

Nadia looks slightly annoyed so I ask a different question on a different topic "When you start texting Asia?" I ask. Nadia laughs "Damn Aaliyah you asking alot of questions tonight." Nadia has a slight smirk on her face and looks up at me. "but if you must know we text from time to time but not often why?"

"No reason." I lie breaking eye contact with her. "You do know she claims that y'all haves sex right?"

Nadia chuckles "Yeah I know."
"Is it true?" I ask my stomach starts to hurt a bit after asking that question.
"No she not my type. Even if she was me and her wouldn't be fucking she talk to much." Nadia says which releases the hurt in my stomach.

"So you told me to come over to scold me and talk about ole girl?" I ask because i'm kinda getting bored.
"I mean I wanted your company but if you wanna leave I'll drive you back home." Nadia says. she puts her hands in her pockets.

"No Nadia I was just asking you know I like hanging out with you." I feel myself getting nervous.

Nadia stands up and looks down at me. "Follow me I have to show you something."
She starts walking to the hallway, I follow and then she opens up her sisters old room.

I see a shrine of Shay with her picture and her items that made her unique.

Nadia starts to speak "When me and shay was younger we always said We'd never be like our big brother. In the streets doing things we wasn't supposed to be doing. Later after he passed me and Shay had to survive and the only way we knew was doing what we did. Shay wanted to save a million dollars then move out to the white people neighborhood. She was 40% there before she passed." Nadia has that cold look on her face.

I stay silent not really knowing how to feel. Also knowing that Nadia wants revenge on whoever did it.
"So yeah when that bitch was speaking on my sister it made me feel some type of way because when Shay was alive Nobody not even people who hated shay would talk bad on her. Folks pussy but as soon as she die niggas wanna talk. I ain't letting my sister go out sad." Nadia Stops talking and looks at the picture of her sister

I give Nadia a hug and Nadia freezes up. "Aaliyah let go of me."
I do as Nadia says. "My fault I felt that was what you wanted."
Nadia looks at me and laughs a bit. "I wonder how you gonna be in a few months."

Whatever that's supposed to mean. We go into Nadia's room and she starts rolling up. Then I get a flashback to when me and her kissed

"Aaliyah you want to hear a story?" Nadia ask while licking her blunt.

"Sure" I say I honestly need something to keep my mind from drifting into my fantasy world.

"Alright give me your phone first." Nadia puts out her hand. I place my phone in her hand and she opens it and changes a few things.

"Ok now I can tell you. This the first time I walked down on someone." Nadia has a twinkle in her eye after saying that. but before she can tell me the story I interrupt her.
"What is walking down on someone?" I ask feeling slow

"You'll figure it out after I tell you this story. So It was me and Shay and there was this flexing nigga.
Shay stalked him on social media for a bit. Then I guess one day she felt like he was doing to much. She told me to get into the car and we drove to where he was. The area was terrible no cameras but perfect for what we were about to do. She parked far but not to far from where he was. Shay told me to put my mask on and made me put on gloves. She handed me a gun. Then told me "don't try to rob him just kill him." I was scared as fuck but i still did it. She started to roll up closer to him and I opened the car door ran up on him. He started to run a bit but wasn't fast I shot him 2 times in the back and one time In the head. He fell and I stood over him and shot him again. Then ran towards the car."
Nadia looks up at me and I look back at her. Then she continues to finish the story

"I was scared as fuck I thought I was going to get caught but Shay took care of everything that was needed. Never saw that car again nor that gun." Nadia chuckles and takes a hit from her blunt.

I was a little frightened after that story but I hid it. "Why'd you tell me that story?" I ask with a slight tremble in my voice.

Nadia exhales "That was the day I changed fully. I became something that I shouldn't have but that's the way it goes i guess."

🧍🏿‍♂️ hey y'all I know it's been awhile for this story but you know life be happening. I hope y'all enjoy this shit💯.
I know it's slowed pace right now but soon we will get to the shit so stay tuned y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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