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Aaliyah pov
As I snuck back in. With no issues. Glad my mom turned off the alarm. All I can think about was our kiss.

Nadia's lips made me feel some type of way. More than a sexual feeling. Made me feel different. My first kiss was rushed and just felt like a peck. But this was different. Maybe she thought something but quickly changed her mind.

I decided to take a shower. I smelled like weed which isn't a problem for me but if my mom smelt me she wouldn't be so proud.

As I let the hot water touch my body the idea of Nadia runs through my head again. This time it isn't just about our kiss. I crave more from her. I crave her touch as well as her lips.

I start to wash my body imaging it was her touch I was feeling. I feel myself going into dream land wanting to go lower.

mhm Nadia

I quickly snap out of it. and continue to wash up to get clean of course. I get out and dry off. Putting on lotion, Deodorant and my fragrance. Then putting on my boxers and sports bra and going to lay down in my bed.

I hear my mother bang on my door. "Aaliyah you got 10 minutes till I come in there. I'm taking you to practice today" I instantly wake up.

She's taking me to practice?! See my mother rarely takes me to my early practice's she usually makes me walk or call an Uber.

she knows something.... does she know I snuck out?

I quickly snap out of it and start my morning routine, Trying to keep my composure. Don't show any signs of guilt I tell myself.

As I finish getting ready for practice. Then I go downstairs to see my mom and Cam. She's feeding him his cereal.

"Good morning Aaliyah, Glad you are finally ready. I was going to come up there and drag you myself." She gives me the stare as if she trying to read me.

I start to make my protein shake trying to avert attention to me, adding the milk and the protein powder and shaking it up. I feel my mothers eyes watch me but I do my task.

When I'm done she grabs Cam and we head to the car.
At first the Ride is silent but then she starts up a conversation. "Aaliyah, your mom knows a thing or two about sneaking out" My eyes get wide as she continues. "I know you're pretty popular and i'm sure some little fast tail girl asked you to get busy. You know do the nasty."

"Ew mom" I say as I feel my face get scrunched up. I really don't want to have this conversation about sex right now.

"I'm just saying Aaliyah. You know freaks come out at night and I just want to know you are safe and who you are with. So next time you have a sneaky link. Let me know also be aware" She looks at me again

"Mom it wasn't anything like that I hung with Nadia and we played the game" I feel myself get warm when I say her name however I get myself to snap back because I don't need my mom seeing that.

"Well Aaliyah at least let me know. Next time I will beat your ass thinking you slick and shit" She says as she approaches the school.

I wave goodbye to her and Cam and go to the back of the gym seeing my teammates doing their stretches.

When I get over there Erica already starts talking to me.

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