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Aaliyah pov

I wake up at 5 am and get ready to train for basketball.

I try to be as quiet as I can when I get ready.

After I get ready I walk downstairs.

I call an Uber because I ain't walking at 5 fuck I look like.

Anyways my Uber gets here and I head to the gym.

The Uber drops me off and it's something off in this area.

I brush it off because it could be just me tweaking.

I start walking to the entrance.

And once I get to the door. Some car lights flash on and off

Then Nadia calls me.

Nadia: I know you see my car lights.

Aaliyah: Oh that's you thought you was a random.

Nadia: So if you see car lights flashing you just gonna ignore it? Get your stupid ass in the car.

She hangs up and I start walking to her car.

I open in the door and Nadia starts to smile.

Her grill shines in her Car light.

"morning". She says I feel myself melting in her eyes so I change the subject.

"why you up this early anyway." I ask

"early bird gets the worm."

"Aa oh ok. So what we doing."

"Damn why you in a rush little one."

"little one? Nigga I'm taller than you and I'm older by a month and 1 day."

"You older than me but wanna be like me" Nadia sucks her teeth

I freeze up there isn't too much I can say at this point, because she is right I do want to be like her. I just feel like her life is interesting. that sounds bad

I change the subject because she is right. "Well what time will we be back because I need to be back in time for practice.

"don't worry you'll be back by 3rd period."

I nod my head 

She pulls out the parking lot and starts driving. To wherever we are going.


This bitch pulls up to the woods.

Rip me

"now you just gonna kill me." I say

"ain't nobody gonna kill yo ass but I do have a surprise for you." she says as she is pulling something under her seat

It's a gun.

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